Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Oct.3, 2005 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting
October 3, 2005

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, October 3, 2005, at 6:30 p.m. President Pat Harrington called the meeting to order. Eighteen members were present, and all departments were represented.

The minutes of August 29, 2005 meeting were approved with corrections and were filed for record.


Pat Harrington, president, provided updates on the following issues:

1. ICE: The president again urged all members to add ICE (In Case of Emergency) contacts to their cell phone. Please note that alternative ICE contacts may be listed as ICE#1, ICE#2, etc. Place a "space" in front of ICE so that it will be the first number(s) that shows up in the list
2. Veteran’s Wall: Coordinator David Foley sent his gratitude to MWC for providing refreshments and volunteers to man the wall.
3. Citizen’s Police Academy: Appreciation was expressed to MWC for providing refreshments.
4. St. Jude’s Radiothon: MWC was an “Angel of the Hour” and helped to raise over $32,000.
5. WKMS: The project continues over the next two weeks. The station will call volunteers with reminders.
6. Top 100 Communities: Pat reported that she shall be traveling to Washington, D.C., at the beginning of November.

At this time, President Harrington introduced guests from Camp WOW (Woodmen of the World). Colleen Anderson, camp co-director, reported statistics highlighting the generosity of Murray and Calloway County (e.g., $71K collected from local individuals and churches, 11.8K hours donated by non-medical volunteers, $184K worth of donated items.) A number of evacuees have begun working in the community at Walmart, Murray State University, Murray-Calloway County Hospital, Amerihost, Burger King, etc. Mrs. Anderson reported that about 31 residents still remain at Camp WOW and the camp expects another 100 evacuees to come temporarily for 3-4 weeks. Camp WOW and the Katrina evacuees as a whole in Murray/Calloway County will be our community improvement project. We still have time to make this work for us.

Tara Jackson and Della Joseph, both evacuees from New Orleans, were introduced and encouraged to tell the story of their travel to Murray. Tara, after a 15 hour bus trip from the N.O. Convention Center, had figured her situation had gone from “bad to worse” when she learned she was in Murray, KY. However, she seems to have settled in and enrolled as a Business Administration major at Murray State. Della Joseph, who has found employment at Walmart, thanked the people of Murray by stating, “Murray-ans are God’s Jewelry – you are people that make a difference.”

Mrs. Anderson reported needs of the camp including: volunteers to man the security gate; kitchen help; household needs such as furniture, appliances, bedding, coffee pots, pots/pan; suitcases; full size sheets. Smaller needs are laundry detergent, shaving cream, bleach, and cleaning products. Those interested in donating and/or volunteering can visit the Camp WOW website at http://www.campwowevacuees.org for details.

After the guests were thanked and had departed, President Harrington encouraged members to take pictures and write commentaries of their activities at Camp WOW so that MWC activities can be included in the annual report.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that the MWC Board purchase a $100 Walmart gift card for the camp.

The motion was seconded and carried.

President Harrington suggested that each department hold a shower or activity of their choice to support Camp WOW.

Pat appointed Martha Crafton to head up a literacy committee for the camp, and appointed members Marlene Beach, Lois Pharris, and herself.


President Harrington reported that the play “On the Way Home” sponsored by Hospice will be performed Sunday, November 13, at the MWC Clubhouse (time TBA). Chairs are encouraged to emphasize (e.g., to members) that the play is not sad; but instead optimistic, hopeful, and uplifting.

Pat reported that two volunteers are needed to assist Cathy Pigg with decorating the “Haunted Halls” at the Amerihost on Oct. 31.

Pat announced that she will be submitting a holiday event listing to the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow and that departments hosting a holiday event should contact her to be included in the listing. For example, Dec. 11, 1-4 p.m., Kappa Tour of Homes; Dec. 10, 9:30 a.m., Sigmas Breakfast with Santa.

Pat distributed a sheet containing corrections to the yearbook (page 16) and requested notification of any other corrections.

Pat reported that the General meeting was a success. She noted that the guest speaker, Judge Bill Cunningham did a great job. Guest Dan Galloway gave MWC a plaque in thanks for funding the AED which saved his life. Pat thanked the Delta and Music Departments for serving as hostesses. President Harrington stated that eligibility for the membership drawing requires attendance at the business meeting.

A district nomination for governor and/or vice governor was discussed. At meeting time it was unclear whether the current vice governor, Lisa Weiss, intended to pursue the office of governor. President Harrington nominated Martha Crafton for the open position; Barbara Brandon seconded the nomination. Members are encouraged to attend the Fall District Conference, Oct. 19, in Paducah at the Executive Inn to support the nomination. Members who plan to attend should meet at the University Church of Christ parking lot at 8:00 a.m.

Those planning to attend the South Eastern Regional Conference in Lexington on November 4-6 were urged to finalize their plans so room reservations and travel plans can be made.

Tracey Wortham, First Vice Present, thanked general meeting hostesses Delta and Music. She announced that the chair’s instructions for the December Open House will be distributed at the November Board Meeting. Hostesses for the Open House are: Sigma (chair of hostesses), Home (decorate front door and main floor) and Zeta (decorate side door and downstairs).

Martha Joiner, Second Vice President, stated that she needs a list of “intent to enter” participants for the arts and crafts contests by Friday, Oct. 7. Participants may call or email her to provide their name and category. Arts and crafts items must be delivered to Martha by Friday, Oct. 14. Martha further announced that the short story/literature contest deadline is January 2, 2006.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported a Beginning Balance of $---. Total Receipts for the month were $--- and Total Disbursements were $--- for a Balance on Hand Sept. 30, 2005, of $---.

Barbara Brandon moved that MWC Board donate $100 to the District Scholarship Fund. One scholarship will be awarded next year and MWC had not yet donated to the fund.

Martha Crafton seconded, and the motion carried.


Alpha In celebration of the 100th anniversary, Alpha will have a catered dinner. The department will invite representatives from Turner Publishing and the community. The Family History Book will be available for $70 + tax. Marlene Beach also reported that the department will continue to fund the MWC website.

Sheree Story moved that MWC donate $50 to Alpha toward expenses for their anniversary celebration.

The motion was seconded and carried.

Creative Arts The Bazaar will be Oct. 29, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. downstairs at the Clubhouse.

Delta The membership of Delta is dwindling. Please do all you can to support Deltas.

Home The department will continue to collect clothes for the New Opportunity School through the end of October. Clothing and accessories (e.g., shoes, handbags) should be placed in the downstairs closet.

Kappa The homes on the Tour of Homes were identified. Kappas will participate in the Heart Walk on Oct. 29. Kappa has four new members.

Music The Chorus started practicing last week. Gale Vinson will head up a Music Department Heart Walk Team for Oct. 29.

Sigma Sigma has ten new members. The Sigmas plan to have a sorority at MSU help set up and man the Breakfast with Santa event.

Zeta Zetas will volunteer with WKMS on Wed., Oct. 5.

Barbara Brandon suggested that the MWC board consider not charging the $10 new member fee when a member resigns (due to special circumstances such as moving) and then requests to return within a year. This issue will be investigated and returned to at the next board meeting.


Advisory Martha Crafton reported that rentals were going great.

Education Martha Crafton reported that Murray Elementary had received a grant in which MWC was partnering. Principal Janet Caldwell requested MWC volunteers to read to/with children, 2nd grade or younger. Members who can spare an hour or two at a given time should call or email Martha. Chairs are requested to “talk it up” in their departments to encourage participation as education is a state/national interest. It should be noted that volunteers will be required to submit information for a background check.

Recycling Lois Pharris announced that the next Make a Difference Day will be Saturday, Oct. 29, at Stewart Stadium, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Recyclables include: plastic, glass, aluminum, eyeglasses, newspapers, combo paper, cell phones. Proceeds go to the Resource Center.

Finance Belinda Wallace reported that $--- was earned at September’s Tag/Consignment Sale. Belinda thanked everyone who had contributed and participated. Items which did not sale went to worthy causes such as Angel’s Attic, Social Services, Girl Scouts, and an evacuee family.

President Harrington stated that 140 Kroger cards have been purchased. The rebate days at Captain D’s has earned a total of $45 and the next rebate day is Friday, Oct. 21.

Membership A membership tea will be held Sunday, Oct. 16, at 2:00 p.m. The program will be ballroom dancing with Joe and Teresa DeBella. Each department chair or representative will be asked to describe her department in one minute. Creative Arts will provide nametags, Zeta will man the welcome table, Alpha will man the membership table, and Music will provide mood music. The setup committee should meet at noon.

DATES TO REMEMBER: The next Executive Board Meeting will be held on November 7 at 6:30 p.m. Check your Agenda Sheet for other important dates.

Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tracey Wortham, First Vice President

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