Sunday, November 19, 2006

Nov. 6, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

November 6, 2006

The Murray Woman's Club met at the Club House on Monday, November 6, 2006. President Tracey Wortham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and requested that the roll be called. Twenty-two board members were in attendance with all departments represented.

Cathy Elias was introduced by the president. Cathy reported on the Family Literacy Program, emphasizing the opportunities for helping families and the need for funds to prepare a meal for parents and children because of the time of the meetings. Members asked questions about the frequency and cost of the meals. Cathy stated that it cost her about $30 per meal and that she provided the meals once or twice a month. There is no budget for the food.

MOTION: Pat Harrington moved that the Murray Woman’s Club help in feeding these families through the following procedure: (1) the Executive Committee contribute $30 for one month --one meal and (2) each department take a month and provide $30 for one meal for that month. The motion was seconded and carried.

Sandra Whittenberg and Pat Harrington were asked to coordinate the project. There was some discussion about providing food or the $30 for the designated meal a month. No definite plan was made.

Following roll call, the minutes of the October 2, 2006, meeting were approved without corrections and filed for record.

Martha Joiner, corresponding secretary, stated that cards had been sent to Shelia Vacca and Becky Rutledge and a thank-you card to D. K. Kelly.

Tracey Wortham, president, expressed her appreciation to the Board for their assistance in preparing for the First District Fall Conference and especially to Judy Kelso and Sondra Rice for coordinating the food preparation. The Fall Conference was also discussed by Martha Crafton, governor, who reported that 74 people attended and that the MWC made $632.

Tracey thanked Gale Vinson for representing the Murray Woman’s Club at the Conference. Gale announced the web site for KFWC ( and that individuals or clubs may come to the state convention and sell crafts. She also thanked the Music Department Chorus for singing at the meeting.

First District Governor Martha Crafton said that the 2007 Fall Conference shall be held on October 17 at the MWC Club House.

Judy Kelso thanked everyone for helping with the food.

Tracey discussed the Heritage Ball, stating the ticket sales are slow. Department chairs need to send their ticket stubs to Sue White by November 10 so that the committee can have an accurate count. Also, she emphasized that members are needed to help as hostesses.
2 The president asked Martha Joiner to send a thank-you note to Printing Services for donating posters advertising the Heritage Ball.

Other items discussed included the following:
1. KFWC cookbooks are available at a cost of $12.72 (members), $15 (nonmembers).
2. Reporting forms for departments should be completed and brought to the next board meeting. The end-of-the-year reports are needed.
3. New members must be reported to KFWC by December 1.
4. All dues must be paid by November 15.
5. Veterans Hospital Project. Bring books, puzzles, sox, etc. to the Club House by December 4.
6. Safe Halloween . Cathy Pigg reported a good turnout. Wal-Mart donated candies. (The corresponding secretary was asked to send a thank-you note to Wal-Mart.)
7. Proposal for dinner meeting for the December meeting. MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC have a dinner and have it catered. The motion was seconded and carried. Note: The December meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Bring a wrapped gift for a child (designate girl or boy) up to 12 years of age.
8. Awards. Departments should plan to bring their nominees for Newcomer of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and Outstanding Club Woman to the December meeting.
9. Gale Vinson,first vice-president, announced that the Christmas Open House will be Sunday, December 3. Kappas will decorate the front door and upstairs,and Alphas will be decorate downstairs. Zetas will be in charge of hostesses.
10. Jackie Helm, second vice-president, said that preparation for the Short Story/Poetry Contests was going well. The schools have been invited to have their students participate and have also been told of the deadline.
11. Arts & Crafts contest winners names were printed in an article in the Murray Ledger Times.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer informed the board that the state has given approval for a sales tax exemption for MWC. She emphasized that the exemption must not be misused. Only items that are for use by club should be tax-exempt. Questions should be referred to her. She also brought letters to be used as receipts for a donation to the Club, ex. Heritage Ball.

Cathy reported that the Beginning Cash Balance for October 1 was $---. Receipts were $--- and Disbursements were $--- for a Balance on Hand October 31 of $---. The Savings Account balance is $---.


Alpha: Seven members are working on the Heritage Ball Committees.
Creative: Arts Their Bazaar made over $1500.
Garden: Floral saddles are still available.
Home: On November 17 at 11 a.m., the department will have an Open Meeting with lunch and an auction.
Kappa: The Tour of Homes will be held on December 10. Tickets will be $7. Transportation will be provided from Westside Baptist Church for $1.00 per person.
Music: The Music Department was awarded the Bronze Category Award for raising over $--- for Relay for Life. Four members were in the Heart Walk.
Sigma: Breakfast with Santa will be held at the Club House on Saturday, December 9, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Tickets are $5 children and $3 adults.
Theta: The department wishes to thank club members for saving Box tops for Education. Also, the department gave $--- in supplies to Merryman House.
Zeta: The members have sold 12 tickets for the Heritage Ball.

Advisory: Pat Harrington reported some problems created by club house renters which required service calls: chocolate in dishwasher, improper items in garbage disposal, floors messed up.
Legislative: Cynthia Barnes stated that the Forum went well. She added that 124 bags were prepared for the poll workers at 28 precincts.
Membership: Sandra Whittenberg distributed invitations for the New Year: New You membership drive, asking that current club members send them to prospective members. There will be a planning meeting of the Membership Committee on Thursday, November 9.

Community Improvement: Martha Crafton and other club members and planted pansies at the Triangle on 641 South and Sycamore Street.
New Opportunity School: Belinda Wallis asked that clothing be brought to the Club House by November 16.
Civic/Recycling: Lois Pharris presented the Recycling Report for November 4: 230 eyeglasses; 165 gals. oil; 100 ink jets; 200 lbs. clothing; 28 tons paper; 110 lbs. aluminum cans; 51 cell phones.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Oct. 2, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting
October 2, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on October 2, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. President Tracey Wortham called the meeting to order and requested a roll call of the Board. All departments were represented.

The minutes of the August 28 (September),2006 meeting were reviewed and corrections noted. The minutes were then filed for record.


Tracey Wortham, president, encouraged members to attend the First District Conference at the Murray Woman’s Club House on Wednesday, October 18. The conference will last from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. The registration fee is $14 and should be given to Pat McMullin by October 10. The fee includes luncheon.

In addition she dealt with the following items of business:
1. KFWC Hospitality II Cookbooks: MWC is required to purchase a case of the books. Prices are $12.72 for members and $15 for nonmembers.
2. Departmental Report Forms: These should be completed after each departmental meeting and turned in at the Board meeting which follows.
3. WKMS Phonathon: The fundraising coordinator expressed appreciation for the volunteer help. The president related her dilemma when a department asked to pay $40 instead of providing 4 volunteer callers.(One member agreed to participate.)

MOTION: Trish Barton moved that the department which had originally offered to pay $40 in lieu of 4 volunteers be allowed to pay only $30 since they were able to provide one volunteer.The motion was seconded and carried.

The president stated that the Board would discuss the issue of volunteers for the Phonathon again in the spring.

4. Veterans’ Hospital Project: Department chairwomen should bring white socks, jigsaw puzzles, and books (paperback reading, crossword and sudoku puzzles, as well as word games to the November and December Board meetings. Martha Crafton will deliver the items to the hospital in December.

5. Heritage Ball: The committee will be meeting on October 3. Volunteers to serve as hostesses for the evening are needed.

6. New Opportunity School Clothing: After discussion the Board decided that clothing in good condition not needed for this project should be donated to the Rape Crisis Center and the Merryman House, as well as Angel’s Attic.

7. Safe Halloween-AmeriHost Event: The president asked if the Board wished to continue this project.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that MWC continue to support the “Safe Halloween” project.
The motion was seconded and carried.

Gale Vinson, first vice-president, thanked the Creative Arts and Sigma Departments for serving as hostesses for the September General Meeting and Cynthia Barnes for bringing voter registration forms to the meeting.

Jackie Helm, second vice-president, distributed information about the Short Story/Poetry Contests. Submissions are due before January 1, 2007.

Cathy Pigg,treasurer, presented the financial report for the past month. The Beginning Cash Balance on September 1, 2006 was $---. Total Receipts for September were $--- and Total Disbursements were $--- for an Ending Balance on September 30, 2006, of $---. She urged departmental chairwomen to remind their members to pay dues immediately.


Music The department had 6 members who participated in the ALS Walk. Members also plan to participate in the October Heart Walk.


Advisory Pat Harrington distributed a form listing clubhouse rentals for September.

Legislative Cynthia Barnes reported that she had received 12 affirmative responses from candidates for the Legislative Forum on Monday, October 30 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. She asked for a volunteer to serve moderator for the Forum and also for two women from each department to serve as greeter/hostesses. She stated that snack bags for poll workers will be assembled immediately after the November Board meeting.

Finance: Tracey Wortham gave the Finance Committee report, announcing that the committee will meet tomorrow and reminding the departmental chairs to send their representative.

Yearbook Sally DuFord asked that department chairwomen check their meeting listings in the yearbook to make sure they are correct. She stated that it is very important that department chairs call Jo Burkeen (Jo’s Datebook) at the Ledger & Times as soon as possible if the date needs to be corrected.

Membership: Sandra Whittenberg proposed the “New Year New You” theme for a special membership drive in January 2007. She asked for the Board’s recommendations on the invitations, the date, and the businesses which should be invited to have a table at this event. She will provide more information about the event at the November meeting.

Note: Board members should review the “Dates to Remember” and alert their members of these special events.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Randolph
Recording Secretary

Monday, August 28, 2006

August 7, 2006 Minutes Executive Board

Minutes of the Executive Board
August 7, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on August 7, 2006. President Tracey Wortham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and announced Tory Daughtrity, Director of the American Red Cross in Calloway County would make a brief presentation.

Mrs. Daughrity thanked the Club for allowing the club house to be used without charge for the May tea which raised $---. She presented a “Good Neighbor Award” to the Murray Woman’s Club as an expression of the appreciation from the local Red Cross chapter. She stated that MWC will be formally recognized for their contribution at the meeting in the Barkley Room of Curris Center on September 19, 2006, at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Daughrity also requested that the Red Cross chapter be allowed to use the club house for another fundraiser at about the same time next year.

Tracey began the formal business meeting of MWC with the request for a roll call of departments. Nineteen members were in attendance with all departments except Creative Arts represented.

The minutes of the July 10, 2006, meeting were approved and filed for record.

Martha Joiner, corresponding secretary, raised a question about procedure for mailing letters to prospective club members.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that the department secretaries handle all correspondence which deals with their new members.
The motion was seconded and passed.

After a brief discussion the following procedure was agreed upon:
1. Departmental secretaries should send the invitation letter(s) to prospective members. A sample of the letter was included in a packet of materials which had been distributed by the corresponding secretary prior to the August 7 meeting
2. If the department secretary desired, she could request that the Board’s corresponding secretary format and send the letter(s) to any prospective members.
3. If requested, the Board’s corresponding secretary would forward by e-mail a copy of the sample letter which could be downloaded by the departmental secretary.

Tracey Wortham, president, reported that 50 guests were fed at the First District Summer Conference luncheon. No report was available on the amount of money made.

Martha Crafton, First District Governor, expressed appreciation for the work done by members of the Murray Woman’s Club at the recent First District Conference. She stated that many favorable comments had been made by the guests.

Tracey Wortham, president, reminded the Board that the WKMS Phon-A-Thon would begin in September and that the Board had voted to participate. She distributed a sign-up sheet with the request that four (4) members of each department serve.

Gale Vinson, first vice-president, said that the first General Meeting of the new year will be held on September 28 and will be a Salad Supper which will begin at 6:00 p.m. NOTE THE TIME CHANGE. The program will feature Martha Broach. She added that the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk fundraiser will be held on October 28 at RSEC from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Registration will be at 8:30 a.m.

Jackie Helm, second vice-president, announced that information about the KFWC Arts & Crafts contests would be available at the August 28 Board meeting.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, distributed the financial report for June 2006 to July 2006. The Cash Balance on June 1, 2006 was $---. Receipts for the two-month period were $--- and Disbursements were $---for a Net Income of $---. In addition to the Disbursements, a principal payment of $--- was made on the Loan for the Clubhouse repairs. The ending Cash Balance on July 31, 2006 was $---. She found no record of stock held or of a safe deposit box. Neva Grey Allbritten volunteered to try to get information about both items.
The president stated that a sign-up sheet t the next meeting for the First District Fall Conference which will be held at the Murray Woman’s Club House on October 18, 2006


Alpha: Lois Pharris is considering a proposal for a fund raiser
which will benefit the local Adult Learning Center.
Creative Arts: The department’s cook book should be available in time for their Bazaar on October 28.
Delta The department is still collecting aluminum soft drink tabs. Sally DuFord reported the death of Betty Brockman.
Garden: The department will sell Floral Saddles (gravestone decorations) which must be pre-ordered. The members will be contacting other departments to request time for a presentation.
Kappa: The department continues to work on the “Tour of Homes.”
Sigma: The department has added three new members and has chosen their monthly project: providing supplies for Merryman House. They plan to continue the “Breakfast with Santa.”

At this point, the president asked for a discussion of Tori Daughrity’s request that Red Cross be permitted to use the MWC Club House for their Tea.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that MWC allow the Calloway County Red Cross to use the Club House for their tea provided that a mutual agreement can be reached regarding the date.
The motion was seconded and passed.

Zeta: Barbara reported that several of the members were ill; in spite of this, four volunteers had signed for the Phon-A-Thon.

Advisory: Pat Harrington reported that the cleaning service she hired had spent 36 hours instead of the 24 specified in cleaning the Club House. Because of this mistake, they sent her two bills: one for 24 hours; one for 36 hours. She asked for advice on how to proceed.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC pay the 24-hour bill and half of the additional 12-hour bill which together will total 30 hours.
The motion was seconded and passed.

Pat also reported on the estimates for a sound system. No action was taken. She also requested that people not change the thermostat settings because problems will result. The service man now used is Jim McBee.

Yearbook Sally said that the price for publishing 320 yearbooks will be $837, possibly more if this does not include tax.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that MWC have the 2006-2007 yearbook published by Printing Services for $837(+tax).
The motion was seconded and passed.

Finance Kathy Stanfa distributed tickets to be purchased for the Heritage Ball on November 18. The money from the sale of the tickets should be sent to Sue White, committee treasurer. Volunteers will be needed to assist the committee on the night of the Ball. She mentioned the possibility of a series of 5 dance lessons being offered on Friday nights at 6:00 p.m. beginning about the middle of September.

The president reminded the Board that the next meeting will be on August 28 because of the Labor Day weekend.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary

Friday, July 21, 2006

July 10, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Executive Board Meeting
July 10, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s met on July 10, 2006, for the regular July meeting whose date had been changed because of the July 4 holiday. President Tracey Wortham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and asked the recording secretary to call the roll. Nineteen members were present, with all departments represented. The minutes of the June 5, 2006, Board meeting were approved and filed for record.

The corresponding secretary, Martha Joiner, stated that a note of consolation had been sent to Joan Niffenegger on the death of her mother. The secretary then read two notes of appreciation from voting volunteers, thanking MWC for the snack bags.


Tracey Wortham, president, announced that the First District Summer Workshop will be held at the MWC Club House on Wednesday, August 2, 2006, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. She appointed a seven-person committee to work with her to make arrangements for the luncheon served that day. (Joanna Adams, Marlene Beach, Pat McMullin, Martha Joiner, Ve Severns, Gale Vinson). Five additional volunteers will be needed to serve as hostesses. The president circulated sign-up sheets, stating that 3 gallons each of sweetened and unsweetened tea will be needed.
She dealt with the following items of business:
1. WKMS Phonathon. WKMS has asked for MWC volunteers for a three-week campaign in September of 2006. Five workers will be needed each evening.
MOTION: Pat Harrington moved that Murray Woman’s Club provide volunteers for September 11-14 and September 18 - 21.
The motion was seconded and carried.

Tracey said that a schedule for workers will be distributed at the August Board meeting.

2. Centennial Committee: The president appoint a committee (Marlene Beach, chair; Neva Grey Allbritten, Barbara Brandon) to plan for the 2007 anniversary of founding of the Murray Woman’s Club. She asked that each department provide a representative to work with this committee. Department chairwomen should e-mail or call Tracey with the names.

Tracey also reported on two community events in which MWC participated.
1. Merryman Crisis Center’s Open House. An ample amount of food was provided by MWC members.
2. Freedom Fest. The Executive Committed approved a donation of $50 to sponsor a red wagon for the parade. These wagons will be given to the Santa Christmas project.

Gale Vinson, first vice-president, presented the information for the first two general meetings.
September SALAD SUPPER September 28 6:00 p.m. NOTE CHANGE OF TIME. HOSTESSES: Creative Arts &Sigma Departments

Christmas Open House December 3 2:00 p.m. Chair of Hostesses: Theta Department
Decorating upstairs and front door: Kappa Department; decorating side door and downstairs: Alpha Department.

Jackie Helm, second vice-president, said she was awaiting contest information from KFWC.
Cathy Pigg, treasurer, distributed the June financial statement. The beginning cash balance was $___. Receipts were $___ and Disbursements were $___. The ending cash balance on June 30 was $___. Sheree Story will present the 2005-2006 financial report at the August meeting.

Martha Crafton, First District Governor, reported that information materials for the coming year have not yet been received from the president of KFWC.

Alpha: Yearbook information turned in to Sally DuFord.
Creative Arts: Members are completing a cookbook that will be on sale at the Bazaar.
Delta: Members are still collecting aluminum tabs.
Garden: Yearbook information turned in.
Kappa: Members are working on December Tour of Homes.
Sigma: The department is working on increasing membership.
Theta: Members are still collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s soup cans labels.
Zeta: Planning for next year’s program has been completed.
Home: The department will continue to take major responsibility for the “New Opportunity School “ project.

The Board again raised questions about selection and mailing of clothing. The president read from the recommendations made at the June 5, 2006, Board meeting. (See June Minutes page 3 Home) The decision was made for the Board to reassess the situation.

Advisory Pat Harrington, chair of the Advisory Committee, reported the current sound system is non-operational. She recommended that the Board discuss the possibility of either repairing or replacing the sound system.
MOTION: Pat moved that the sound system in the Club House should not be rented for weddings and that the current statements in the contract should be removed. The motion was seconded and carried.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that the current sound be repaired or replaced before the First District meeting in August 2006. The motion was seconded After discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Pat will present information about the sound system to the Advisory Council for review and approval.

She also reported on the continuing serious problems with the air conditioner on the third level of the Club House.

MOTION: Belinda Wallace moved that repairs be made as soon as possible to the system whatever it may cost. The motion was seconded and carried.

Pat recommended that a cleaning service be employed to thoroughly clean the Club House before the August 2, 2006 meeting.
MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that a cleaning service be employed to clean the Club House before the First District Workshop on August 2, 2006. The motion was seconded and carried.

Legislative Cynthia Barnes stated that October 30 will be the date for the Legislative Forum. She asked departmental chairs to give her the names of their Legislative representatives.

Recycling: The next “Make a Difference” day will be August 5.

Yearbook: Sally DuFord will be contacting departmental chairs to try to complete the information needed for the Yearbook.

Community Improvement: Martha Crafton, chair, called attention to the planting of the Triangle Beds at Sycamore and 12th Streets. She also mentioned appreciation expressed by the staff of the Veterans’ Hospital after receiving the sox, books, and underwear.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

June 5, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Executive Board Meeting
June 5, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, June 5,2006. An orientation for departmental chairwoman, vice-chairwomen, secretaries, and treasurers was held prior to the Board meeting.

President Tracey Wortham called the business meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and asked the recording secretary to call the roll. Eighteen members were in attendance, with all departments except Creative Arts represented. The minutes of the May 2006 Board meeting were approved and filed for record.

The president then introduced Jack Henshaw from Big Brothers/Big Sisters who discussed the organization, its services, and its needs. He thanked the Murray Woman’s Club for their past support and suggested that one way of continued support would be to form an MWC team for the next “Big Buddy” campaign and by individual contributions for this year’s campaign. In addition, he stressed that the organization still needs more volunteers and more funding.

Tracey Wortham, president, expressed appreciation to the following departments for their help with the May General Meeting: Alpha for hosting, Garden and Theta for decorating the Clubhouse, and the Music Department Chorus for their performance. She also thanked department chairs for encouraging their members to attend the meetings this past year. She announced that Joan Niffenegger, Music Department, won the drawing for a paid membership for the coming year. Tracey asked the Board if the drawing should be continued for 2006-2007.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that the drawing for a paid membership should be continued for in 2006-2007 to encourage attendance at the General Meetings. The motion was seconded and carried.

The president reported on the following items of business:
1.Yearbook information-- department officers and committees; membership list; programs including the dates, times, speakers and titles, topics; hostesses--is due before June 20. This information should be sent to Sally Duford; check the Agenda or 2005-06 Yearbook for her e-mail and street addresses. Remember to add the addresses(e-mail and street), as well as the telephone numbers of all your members; and to make corrections.

2. MWC Centennial Anniversary. Marlene Beach will chair a planning committee for this occasion. Each department should have a representative on the committee. Submit names to the president by the July 10 Board meeting.

3. KFWC theme for 2006-2007. The federation president has chosen Faith, Love, and Hope as her theme and Eldercare, Diabetes, and Public Libraries for her special projects. Try to incorporate the theme and the projects into your departmental programs and/or projects, if possible.

4. CASA needs. CASA wishes to make scarves for the teddy bears which are given to the children it serves. Materials for the scarves should be taken to Merryman House or to the CASA offices (Michelle Gantt’s office across the street from the new judicial building).

5. Open House at Merryman Crisis Center. The event will be held on June 15, beginning at 1:30 p.m. and will include a tour of the new office building at 629 Broad Street. Call Pat Harrington or Tracey if you can provide a dessert. Bring desserts to the facility by noon.

6. American Red Cross Tea Party. MWC is partnering with the Calloway County Red Cross by providing the Clubhouse (for cleaning charge only) for this event on June 11. Tickets may be purchased for $25 at Vintage Rose or re- served by calling the Red Cross Office. Deadline is June 5.

Tracey reported to the Board that Pat Harrington’s mother-in-law had passed away and that the corresponding secretary had sent a card of condolence.

There were no reports from the first vice-president or the second vice-president.

Sheree Story, treasurer for 2004-2006, stated that she will present the 2005-2006 year’s financial report at the July meeting. At that time she will pass the treasurer’s duties to Cathy Pigg, treasurer for 2006-2007.

The president introduced Martha Crafton, who is the incoming governor of the First District of KFWC. Martha presented her theme for the coming year “A Rose for You,” and said that the rose symbolizes love, which ties in with the KFWC theme of “Faith, Love, and Hope.” Also, she announced that both the First District Summer Workshop and the Fall Conference will be held at the MWC Clubhouse. The Summer Workshop will be on August 2 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Martha asked that a committee be formed to plan for the luncheon which will be a fund raiser for MWC. No date for the Fall Conference was announced.


Alpha Members are still working with the yearbook sales.

Home Members plan to continue the “New Opportunity “ clothing project. The board discussed the project and made the following suggestions: (1) that only clothing in good condition be accepted (2) that the clothing meet the standard for a business interview (3) and that the limit of $50 for packing/or mailing be observed. Several members made the suggestion that taking the clothing to Berea might be more economical. Also, other department chairs volunteered to help with the project.

At this point, Martha Crafton reported on the delivery of the sox, underwear, and books to the Veterans’ Hospital in Nashville. She stated that the staff was very appreciative of the clothing and books.

Martha also asked for volunteers to help plant flowers at the Triangle of 12th and Sycamore streets. The project will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 6.

Theta The department is still collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell Soup Labels. They also sell Stanley products. The 4-H Club is the beneficiary of these ales.

Zeta The department has recently completed two projects: (1) collecting and sorting Wal-Mart clothing to take to the Family Resource Center at East Elementary School and (2) a “Bakeless Bake Sale” which raised $520. The proceeds from the “Bake Sale” have been donated to MWC for the Clubhouse renovation project.


Civic/ Recycling The next “Make a Difference Day” will be August 5.

New Business:

Pictures should be made of the women planting flowers in the Triangle so that a picture can be sent to the Ledger-Times for publication (and MWC’s Press Book). With no other business for consideration, the president adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary

Thursday, May 11, 2006

May 1, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

May 1, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on May 1, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. at the Club House for a Dinner Meeting. Following the dinner and the revelation of the Secret Pals for the year, the president called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked that the roll be called. All departments were represented.

The minutes of the April 2006 Executive Board Meeting were approved with corrections and filed for record.


Pat Harrington, president, thanked the members for the reception she received after returning from KFWC State Convention with the “Outstanding Club Woman” award. She said she was overwhelmed by the police escort, the motorcade, and the flowers.

Other MWC members honored were Martha Crafton, who was installed as First District Governor, and Patsy Tracy, who was chosen as Newcomer of the Year. Nathan Crafton was a KFWC scholarship winner.

Pat listed the awards received by Murray Woman’s Club at the Convention:
12 First Place awards, 9 Second Place awards, 2 Third Place awards, as well as an Honor Certificate for 100% Club, the Grand Prize for Press Book, and a Merit Award for activities reducing Violence Toward Women. In addition to the above honors received at the Convention, MWC had been invited to present its Chorus to perform for the final dinner meeting.

Other items of business discussed by the president were the following:
1. The Club brochure has been reprinted and is now available.
2. The WKMS Phon-A-Thon raised $---. The bill for services of MWC has been sent to WKMS.
3. The socks and books for the Veterans’ Project will be delivered by Martha Crafton to the Nashville hospital on June 1,2006. Angels Attic donated books, the Girl Scouts collected books and socks, and Wal-Mart contributed men’s clothing.
4. A new GFWC project will be “Empowering Women One by One.” Merryman Kemp will be the state chair for this program. Also, the GFWC president’s special project will be “Domestic Violence.”
5. Kroger Gift Cards earned MWC over $300 this month.
6. The nonprofit Art Guild’s use of the downstairs for their auction in conjunction with the Kappa’s “Evening of Chocolate” had been approved by special MWC Executive Board consensus with the following restrictions: 1. this was to be a one-time only event, 2. MWC was to receive credit for an in-kind contribution to the Guild and was to be listed in all advertising, 3. the Guild was responsible for paying Dimple for cleaning the area.
7. The training sessions for department officers will be held in June. All elected officers should attend--especially the Treasurers. Changes have been made in the plans of work, and orientation will be necessary.
8. The Memorial Service for the three club members who have died since May 1, 2005 and the General Meeting will be held on May 25. The Memorial Service will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed by the traditional potluck. Each chairwoman is asked to make sure that five of her department’s members attend this meeting. (The First District Governor will be attending!)
Also, this year each department chair may chose to honor one member. (Board members may also choose to honor a member.) The award may be serious or funny. Just let Pat know by May 18 so that she can make a certificate.
At this point the business meeting was suspended so that Martha Joiner could present state awards to the student contestant winners whose work was taken to the state convention. The work of High School Arts & Crafts winners Charles Costello and Elise Moore was not taken to the state contest. State level winners were Katie Decillo, 2nd place for Poetry & Short Story; Nathan Smith, 3rd place; Hannah Williams, 2nd place; Ian Holmes, 2nd place; Mitchell Handigan, 1st place. In the Club Woman’s competition, Rebecca Rutledge won 1st place state; Joetta Kelly won 2nd place state; Martha Joiner won 3rd place in “Volunteers in Achievement” picture.

The business meeting resumed, and the president reported that the incoming KFWC president, Faye Gregory, announced the theme of “Faith, Hope, and Love” for her tenure of office. Special projects will be eldercare, diabetes, and public libraries.

Pat called attention to the material, included with the Board Agenda, on Senate Bill 1955 received from the Kentucky senators, urging citizens to call in Wednesday, May 3, and express their opposition to the bill’s passage.

She expressed her grateful appreciation for the support, which she has received during her term as president of Murray Woman’s Club.

Tracey Wortham, first vice-president, reminded the board that the General Meeting will be on Thursday, May 25 . The Memorial Service will begin at 6:30 p.m. The dinner following will be potluck.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, urged members to enter the contests next year. She expressed appreciation for the assistance of club members and stated that she was ready to “hand off” the responsibility to Jackie Helm.

Sheree Story, treasurer, stated that there is no report this month and that the completed year-end treasurer’s report will be made at the June meeting. She distributed forms for departmental treasurers to the departmental chairs and requested that they be completed and returned by June 15.


The department participated in both “Reading Is Fundamental” and the Veterans’ Sox and Books project.

Arts Plans were made for the fall bazaar at the April meeting. The women plan to produce a cookbook for the bazaar. An $---
scholarship was awarded.

The department is still selling Christmas balls. They also helped with the Hospice luncheon.

Martha Crafton announced that $--- was earned by the Jewelry Sale and that the Club received an addition $--- as donation.

Members attended the Hospice luncheon. Their card party has been canceled. The department will accept nominations for “Yard of the Month.” The emphasis should be on those people who do their own yard work.

The department held a Tea Party at which Pat Wallace from D. K.Kelly spoke on fashions.

The “Evening of Chocolate” was very successful.

Bobbie Weatherly thanked the Board on behalf of the Chorus for the financial assistance to attend the KFWC Convention. The “Spring Sing for Scholarships” will be held on May 16 at 6:30 p.m. Performing will be Gary Vacca, piano; Holy Ground, a capella group; and the MWC chorus. The minimum donation will be $5 per person. More donations will be gratefully accepted. Reservations are necessary. Call Pam Seward at 759-2245 or Linda Scott or Sheila Vacca. See flyer for phone numbers.

The women participated in the Veterans’ Sox & Books project, Red Cross “Ride for Red,” “Relay for Life,” and assisted with the Hospice luncheon. They hope to donate a case of clubhouse replicas for sale to people who rent the clubhouse.

The department collected sox and books for veterans and items for Merryman House.

The department took the past KFWC president to a luncheon at Lone Oak “Memory Lane.” Barbara Brandon received socks and underwear from Wal-Mart for the Veteran’s project and needs to sort them.

Reminders: Legislative Forum will be on May 4 at 7 p.m.

Sally DuFord needs the yearbook information in May.

President Pat Harrington again thanked the board for their assistance during the past two years, closing the meeting with gifts and hugs for board members.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph,

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April 3, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Minutes of the Executive Board
April 3,2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on April 3, 2006. The president called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and introduced a special speaker, Tory Daughrity. Tory is the new director of the Calloway County Red Cross. She explained funding problems which the American Red Cross here faces and asked that the organization be allowed to use the Club House “rent free” for a fundraiser.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that MWC cosponsor the planned tea with the American Red Cross so that the Club House can be used “rent free” and that the Club pay Dimple’s fee, as well. The motion was seconded and carried.

Tory will contact either Martha Crafton or Pat Harrington to confirm a date for the event. In closing, she suggested that she would like for MWC to have a representative on the local Red Cross Board.

Following the presentation, the secretary called the roll. Eighteen board members were present with all departments, except Theta, represented. The minutes for the March 6,2006, meeting were approved and filed for record.

Pat Harrington, president, reported on the following business items:
1. KFWC state convention participants will meet immediately after tonight’s adjournment.
2. MWC will receive $400 for help with WKMS Phone-a-thon.
3. White sox and paperback books for the Veterans’ Project need to be brought to the Club House by May 1. NOTE: The Zeta Department will be working with Wal-Mart to get white underwear donated.
4. Chairwomen will ask for a volunteer to serve on the Calloway Red Cross Board, instead of an appointed Executive Board member serving.
5. Election of Executive Board for 2006-2007 at March General Meeting:
Tracey Wortham, president; Marilyn Chatman, first vice-president; Jackie Helm, second vice-president; Virginia Randolph, recording secretary; Cathy Pigg, treasurer.
6. Training for departmental officers will be held in June. Chairs should insist that ALL the elected officers attend this session. Special emphasis will be given to the responsibilities of a department treasurer.

The president stated that Kelly Johanna’s daughter could not be sponsored by MWC because Childreach is no longer serving Columbia. She asked for suggestions for a new project.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that the decision on Childreach be tabled until the June 2006 Board meeting. The motion was seconded and carried.

Pat noted that the last Board meeting for this Club year and asked if the group wished to have a dinner like last year? Consensus was to have a dinner.

The president stated that the apheresis equipment which was donated to Murray-Calloway County Hospital several years ago, with the help of MWC, no longer serves the needs of patients here. However, a hospital representative stated that Lourdes Hospital in Paducah will be able to use it. The Executive Committee voted to donate the machine to Lourdes.

She announced that the lost MWC Club books have been found and returned to the Murray State University Special Collections Library.

Tracey Wortham, first vice-president, thanked the Creative Arts and Kappa Departments hosting the March General Meeting. She added that the next General Meeting will be May 25 and Alpha Department will host the Salad Supper at 6:30 p.m. Zeta will decorate upstairs, and Garden will decorate downstairs. Since this is the annual Memorial meeting, she needs to receive the names of department members who have died since May 1, 2005.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, shared statements of appreciation to MWC from parents at the Awards ceremonies of the General Meeting.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported a Balance on Hand March 1, 2006, of $---. Receipts for March were $--- and Disbursements were $--- for a Balance on Hand March 31, 2006, of $---. She noted that some bills for the current year are still out.


Creative Arts: The group went to the Murray Art Guild.
Delta: The group has three new members. The department donated $25 to the Red Cross and is now selling Christmas Club House ornaments to sponsor a child at Cancer Camp.
Home: The department donated $50 to KET, $25 to both Murray and Calloway County High Schools for Project Graduation, $100 to the Music Department’s “Relay for Life” team. The next meeting is a “Dress Up and Tea Party.”
Kappa: The “Evening of Chocolate Delight” will be April 27 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Music: The department’s music contest will be April 18 at 6:30 p.m. A “Spring Sing” (with dinner) fund raiser will be held on May 16 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone invited. Also, the “Relay for Life” team will have a bake sale on Saturday morning April 15, in front of Kroger.
Sigma: The Sigma and Delta departments will coordinate arrangements for the desserts for Hospice fund raiser.
Zeta: The department bought 8 Christmas (Club House) ornaments to present to their honorary members.


Advisory Martha Crafton reported that Club House rentals are going well. She also reminded the board of the Spring Silver Jewelry Sale, which serves as a fund raiser, on April 22 at the Club House from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Legislative Martha Yeserski discussed the Candidates’ Forum which is scheduled for May 4 at 7 p.m. Each department should send a member to act as “hostess.” These women should be at the Club House by 6 p.m.

Finance Kathy Stanfa reported on the “Heritage Ball” plans. She requested an advance of money to pay for necessary purchases and to pay deposits.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that the sum of $--- be advanced to the Finance Committee for preliminary expenses and that the money be deposited in an account designated by that Committee.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Board decided to have a dinner for the May Board meeting. The meal will be provided by the caterer used for the past Christmas dinner.

Remember to review the Agenda sheet for coming events.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectively submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Minutes of the Executive Board
March 6, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on March 6, 2006. The president called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and requested that the Recording Secretary read the Roll Call. Nineteen board members and one guest, Marilyn Chatman, were present. All departments except Creative Arts were represented.

After the two corrections had been issued by the recording secretary, the minutes of the February 6, 2006, meeting were approved. [Note: These corrections were sent out by e-mail following the distribution of the first draft of minutes. Printed copies which were mailed later had already been corrected.vr] The minutes were filed for record.


Pat Harrington, president, announced the dates of April 19-21 for the state convention in Louisville. Materials and a sign-up sheet were distributed. Martha Crafton reported that the chorus of the MWC Music Department has been invited to sing at the formal dinner on Friday, April 21 but that KFWC had not provided any funding for travel and food.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that MWC provide $10 to each chorus member attending to defray the cost of the meal, as well as pay for a rental van for transportation.

The motion was seconded but after discussion it was amended and then withdrawn.

MOTION: Sheree Story moved that MWC pay the cost for a rental van, as well as pay for the gasoline for those going in private cars. She also moved that MWC pay the cost of the evening meal for those chorus members who are making the special trip to sing for the dinner. The motion was seconded and carried.

Pat introduced Martha Yezerski, the new Legislative Chairperson. Martha stated that the Legislative Forum shall be held at the Club House on May 4 at 7 p.m. She asked that each department provide two (2) hostesses to assist her that evening. Hostesses/greeters should arrive at the Club House by 6:00 p.m.

The president added no one from the VFW has contacted her since requesting that MWC members help with a political rally on April 19. She addressed the following issues:
1. WKMS Phon-A-Thon. At least two departments have elected to pay $40 in lieu of participating. This means that the other departments will be providing callers. The names of the volunteers should be forwarded to Pat or to Stephanie at WKMS. She mentioned that MWC has been invited to participate for additional days.
MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC decline the offer of working an additional week for the Phon-A-Thon. The motion was seconded and carried.
2. Veterans’ Project. For the past two years MWC has participated in this project: the first year providing sox and last year providing cookies.
MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that MWC collect white sox and paperback books for distribution at the Nashville Veterans’ hospital. The items should be brought to the Club House no later than the May Board meeting. The motion was seconded and carried.
NOTE: Martha Crafton volunteered to deliver the items to the Nashville hospital.
3. Kroger Cards. Pat reported that she had contacted the Kroger office about the problem of the cards not scanning. The Kroger officials suggested sending the problem cards to their Memphis office where they would be replaced (complete with the money value on the card) by a new card.
4. Press Book of 1940’s. The president has been contacted by a representative of MSU’s Pogue Library who told her that someone had checked out MWC Press Books and had not returned them. The discussion which followed questioned the existence of such press books for that date. Pat appointed Lois Pharris and Virginia Randolph to get more information on this issue.
5. Request from Calloway County student for assistance to attend a People to People Conference in Europe.
MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that MWC contribute $30 to the student for the program. The motion was seconded and carried.

Tracy Wortham, first vice-president, announced March 23 as the next General meeting. Since this meeting will feature the winners (and families) of both the Arts/Crafts contest and the Short Story/Poetry contest, she asked that each department bring three(3) dozen cookies which have already been arranged on trays to the Club House by 6 p.m. Creative Arts and Kappa departments will be the hostesses.

Tracy reminded the board that the yearly memorial service will be held in May and asked department chairs to help her ensure no name is overlooked.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, stated that she will be taking the winning first-place entries of the contests to the KFWC spring meeting for judging.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported a Beginning balance on February 1, 2006. of $___. Total Receipts were $___ and Total Disbursements were ___for a Balance on Hand for February 28, 2006, of $____. In a separate report, she stated that $___ had been earned through Fundraisers and that a payment of $___ had been made on the $___ loan.

Sheree suggested the possibility of MWC’s participation in a special project which paid $6 per hour. The president asked her to get more information.

Alpha The department is still selling Calloway County Pictorial Histories and Calloway County Family History books and is now involved in the “Reading Is Fundamental” project.

Delta The women are continuing to collect soft drink tabs for the Kids for Camp cancer project. Martha Broach stated that the department wished to accept an offer from the Chamber of Commerce to sell the MWC club house ornaments. She also reported that the Deltas plan to cease meeting after this year because of low attendance.

MOTION: Martha moved that the Deltas accept the Chamber’s offer to sell the MWC club house ornaments for $5 each, with $2.50 of each sale going to the Deltas. The motion was seconded and carried.

Garden The department recently elected officers for the coming year. One new member was added.

Home The department added one new member.

Kappa The Kappas donated $3000 from their “Tour of Homes” to the Hospice House project. The department will host the Evening of Chocolate Delight on April 27 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Music The Music Department will hold its fundraiser “Music Fest” on Tuesday,May 16, at 7 p.m. The music contests for the county schools will be held at the club house on April 18 at 6:30 p.m. In addition, the women will sponsor a “Relay for Life” team. To raise funds, the team is having a Bake Sale on Saturday, April 15, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of Kroger. They will also be raffling items. The tickets are 2 for $1.

MOTION: Sandra Whittenberg moved that MWC donate $100 to the Music Department’s “Relay for Life Team.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Sigma The Sigmas have two new members. The department donated $100 to the Calloway County Red Cross and $50 each to Calloway County High School and Murray High School for their Project Graduation. In March they will hold a “Bakeless Bake Sale.’

Theta The department will present cash prizes to the first-place winners of the Short Story/Poetry contest. They will continue to accept orders for Stanley products.

Zeta The women have donated twenty stuffed animals to CASA. They recently elected the officers for next year.

MOTION: Sheree Story moved that MWC present Lee Hatcher (PC Doctor) a $25 gift certificate to Martha’s Restaurant for his assistance to the club. The motion was seconded and carried.


Advisory: Martha Crafton stated that MWC is doing a brisk business in the club house rental. She reminded the board about the approaching date for the Jewelry Sale and asked that they help publicize it. She needs someone to put up and remove the signs on the day of the sale.

Civic- Lois Pharris reported that March 25 will be the next “Make a Recycling Difference Day.” The time will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will accept computers for recycling.

Scholarship There have been two applicants for the First District Scholarship of over $1200: one from Murray and one from Lone Oak.

Finance The Heritage Ball is scheduled for November 18.


The Nominating Committee reported its slate of officers for 2006-2007:
President Tracy Wortham
First vice-president
Second vice-president Jackie Helm
Recording secretary Virginia Randolph
Treasurer Sheree Story

The committee recommended a change in the duties of the Recording Secretary which adds the responsibility of that officer to make deposits of funds for the Treasurer.


MOTION: Sandra Whittenberg moved that MWC donate $50 to KET. The motion was seconded and carried.

Dates to remember: General Meeting March 25 6:30 p.m.
Board Meeting April 3 6:30 p.m.
Check your agenda for other important dates.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Feb.6, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting
February 6, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on February 6, 2006. The president called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. and turned the floor over to Barbara Brandon who introduced the guest speaker Lee Hatcher, the PC Doctor. Mr. Hatcher discussed the procedure for clearing computer hard drives, recommending that this process be completed before donating or discarding a computer. He further suggested that computer users should consider “burning back-up discs” to protect their information. Because these procedures are complicated, Mr. Hatcher will make available to the Board a document with instructions, which will be distributed at the next Board meeting. The president thanked Mr. Hatcher for his presentation.

With the departure of the guest speaker, the business meeting began with the roll call of Board members. Eighteen members were in attendance with all departments represented.


Sue White, corresponding secretary, read correspondence from Krysta Kaye, a former MWC Arts contest winner. The letter listed a web site ( where her artwork could be viewed.

Pat Harrington, president, asked for additions or corrections to the January 2006 minutes. No corrections were necessary. The minutes were approved and filed for record.

She recognized three guests from the Kappa Department who were present at the Board meeting: Linda LaRochelle, v-chair; Janet Henley, sec.; and Barbara Barnett, treas.

Pat reported that the annual reports have been completed and forwarded to KFWC, with the change of nominee for Newcomer of the Year. Careful checking showed that only one of the three nominees was eligible: Patsy Tracy. She thanked those board members who had assisted her. She also called attention to the fact that the incoming KFWC president has requested information on members who would be willing to assume a state chairmanship. Handouts were distributed.

The president announced new dates for the KFWC state convention: April 19-21. This change of convention dates will mean that MWC will need to change the date for the Legislative Forum. Barbara Brandon and Martha Yeserski (new chairwoman) will meet and propose the new date at the March meeting.

Other important items of business discussed by Pat were the following:
1. VFW political rally on April 15. The group has asked MWC for help with this project. They need ushers, timers, and servers for lunch. More information will be available at March meeting.
2. WKMS phone-a-thon.
MOTION: Marlene Beach moved that MWC participate in this phone-a-thon. The motion was seconded and carried.
3. Nominating Committee for 2006-2007 Officers. The following board members were selected:
Advisory Council Martha Crafton
Executive Committee Pat Harrington
MWC Department Marlene Beach
MWC Department Jackie Helm
Standing Committee Brenda Call
4. Updating Murray Woman’s Club history. The president appointed Lois Pharris and Neva Grey Allbritten to work on this project. Members were urged to send suggestions for celebrating the Club’s 100th Anniversary, which will be in 2007. Send suggestions to Pat or to Tracey Wortham. Discussion followed this proposal with Barbara Brandon suggesting that past presidents furnish a one-page summary of their department’s activities since the last MWC update. Another suggestion made was to publish an anniversary cookbook.

Pat addressed the problem of checks submitted to the treasurer failing to clear quickly. She asked that department treasurers and individual members write on the memo line of the check what it is for; e.g., Tag Sale. Also, the request was made that money and checks should not be given to the treasurer when she is at work. Sheree has asked that checks be sent to her at P.O. Box 162.

Because some members reported difficulty in adding money to the Kroger Cards, the president will get more information about the process from Kroger. Some cards will no longer scan so the clerk must punch in the numbers. Money can still be added to the card, and cards can be used for payment. The process is less convenient for the checkout person.

Other issues reported on by the president were the following:
1. Press Book. Dee Morgan has agreed to do the press book again this year, but the project needs additional funding.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that up to $300 be allotted for the Press Book Project. The motion was seconded and carried.


MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that Murray Woman’s Club continue to sponsor a child and that the child be Kelly Johanna’s daughter. The motion was seconded and carried.

3. Murray State University has asked that the members of the Murray Murray Woman’s Club contact Melvin Henley and Ken Winters on behalf of funding for the University. These two legislators will be hold a forum on education on February 19, 3 p.m.- 5 p.m. at the public library.

4. Fundraisers. So far, over $ ___ has been raised.

Tracey Wortham, first vice-president, announced that the next General Club meeting will be on Thursday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m. Hostesses will be the Creative Arts and Kappa Departments. Each department needs to provide 3 dozen cookies (on trays) and have them at the building by 6 p.m.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, stated that the entries for the Short Story/Poetry have been mailed. The Alpha Department read and judged the 89 entries. There were no entries from club women. The top three entries will be for this contest will be sent to KFWC to be judged at the Convention.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported that the Balance on Hand February 1, 2006, was $___. She presented a check for $___ to Murray Woman’s Club on behalf of Wal-Mart.


Alpha: Members judged the literature entries. Made contributions to Reading Is Fundamental. They still have family history books for sale.
Creative Arts: Oil painting was featured at the January meeting. The department added a new member. They contributed $ ___ to Hospice Building Fund.
Home: Bob Valentine will be the speaker at their next meeting.
Kappa: The Evening of Chocolate Delight will be April 27.
Music: Eight members served as ushers for the Murray Civic Music Association’s Children’s Concert. Randall Black, Kim Black, and Marie Taylor were guest artists for the January meeting.
Sigma: The Department is now planning how to spend $___ earned by “Breakfast with Santa.”
Theta: A program on home protection and personal identity protection was presented by Sgt. Jim Osborne.
Zeta: Attorney Warren Hopkins presented a program on updating personal documents (will, Living Wills, Trusts, etc.) The department is collecting bears for CASA to use in helping children.

Advisory: Martha Crafton reported $___ in rentals and deposits. She also informed the Board about a major sewer blockage, which occurred during a recent wedding. The best information indicates that the pipe causing the problem is cover in the punch bowl cabinet. Therefore, the plumber installed a clean out value in the yard.
Scholarship: Two applications for scholarships have been received (1 sent to Barbara for MWC; 1 sent to the woman’s club at Hazel) More than $500 is available.
New By-laws for KFWC were read. Now there will be a $10 fee for new members.
MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that our By-laws state the following: “There
shall be a $10 initiation fee for new members. Returning members shall be exempt from the $10 fee.” The motion was seconded and carried.
Sandra Whittenberg proposed that MWC have another membership party in April and that the club have a summer social in June or July. No action was taken on this proposal.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. The next Board meeting will be March 6. Check the Agenda for February for important dates to remember.

Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Randolph
Recording Secretary

Sunday, January 8, 2006

January 2, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board

Executive Board Meeting
January 2, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on January 2, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. President Pat Harrington called the meeting to order and requested that the Recording Secretary call the roll. Nineteen Board members were present, and all departments were represented.

The minutes from the December 2005 meeting were approved by committee without additions or corrections and were filed for record.


Pat Harrington, president, called attention to the local news story about Top 100 Communities for Youth and also the Christmas Program Shop With a Cop. Murray Woman’s Club had been represented in both these events. She reported that the Christmas presents had been delivered to the local Merryman House Outreach Center and had been received gratefully.

Pat stated that CASA will be accepting teddy bears at the “Make a Difference Day” on January 7 and will also be accepting cell phones and computers for recycling. (Questions were raised about clearing the hard drive on computers.Barbara Brandon agreed to contact the PC Doctor for information and report that at the February Board meeting. Computers could be donated later.)

The president noted that the MWC web site is currently being updated and that department chairs will receive the password when the work has been completed.

Another item of business Pat mentioned was about the CHILDREACH program. Lynda Chaney has contacted her with the message that Kelly Johanna (former MWC sponsored child) asked that her own daughter be sponsored. The board declined to take action, deciding to discuss the matter at a later meeting.

At this point in the meeting, the president called for the nominations for the following KFWC entries: Volunteer of the Year, Newcomer of the Year, and Club Woman of the Year. Kathy Mowery was elected Volunteer of the Year; Kathy Stanfa was elected Newcomer of the Year; Pat Harrington was elected Club Woman of the Year.

Pat also requested nominations for a LEADS candidate. Local clubs have the option of nominating a candidate for the state position.

MOTION: Martha Crafton nominated Pat Harrington to be the LEADS candidate for the Murray Woman’s Club. The motion was seconded and carried.

There were no reports from the remaining officers.


Zeta: Barbara Brandon stated that the department has added a new member.

Alpha: Marlene Beach reported that the department is still selling both the books about Calloway Calloway and family history. She added that the department had enjoyed their Christmas party.

Garden: Peggy Neischag said that members of the department had been to Patti’s in December. Their department will not meet again until March.

Home: Jackie Helm announced that the department has added a new member. She also reported the death of Maxine Scott.

Kappa: Belinda Wallis reported that the “Tour of Homes” netted about $---. The department’s “Evening of Chocolate” has been scheduled for April 27. Belinda said she had hosted the department at her home in December.

Music: Bobbie Weatherly stated that their next meeting will be January 17 with a “mystery guest.” She added that chorus practice resumes in January.

Theta: Becky Rutledge had no report of activities but added that Maxine Scott had also been a member of Thetas.


Advisory Martha Crafton urged departmental chairwomen to schedule the dates for their annual activities as soon as possible. She said that the calendar for 2006 is filling up rapidly. She reported $--- in rentals for the month of December and already has scheduled many rentals for the coming year.

NOTE: This information prompted concern about the scheduling of a Legislative Forum. Pat Harrington had earlier appointed Martha Yezerski as Legislative Chair, but there was some indication that she might not be able to fulfill that obligation. The Board decided to schedule April 26 for the Legislative Forum and asked Pat and Tracy to follow through on the Legislative Chair appointment.

“Make a Difference Day” January 7 Stewart Stadium
Executive Board Meeting February 6 6:30 p.m. Club House

Meeting adjourned 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary