Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December's Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Executive Board Meeting
December 7, 2009

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met at 5:30 p.m. at the Club House on December 7, 2009. The earlier time was scheduled because the Christmas Party for the girls of the Murray Group Home preceded the business meeting.

The evening began with a buffet of finger foods and concluded with the giving of gifts to the girls and the singing of Christmas carols.

At 7:20 p.m., after the guests had left, the business meeting was called to order by President Cynthia Barnes. The roll was called by the recording secretary. Twenty board members were in attendance with all departments represented.

The minutes of the November 2, 2009 Board meeting were approved without additions or corrections and filed for record.

A note from Jimmy Joyce of Hospice was read. She expressed her gratitude for the club’s assistance at the presentation of “The Way Home,” as well as the support of the Hospice project.

Cynthia Barnes, president, reported on the following items:
1. Silver Jewelry Sale. The sale earned the club $___, plus a $___ donation by the business owners.

2. Monthly Reports. The president urgently needs all reports by January. Those reports should include information about departmental fundraisers, scholarships, and other activities.

3. Press Book Chairwoman. Rene Brittain has agreed to continue as chair for one more year.

4. Holiday Open House. The president reported that the event was well-attended and thanked those who helped with it.

5. Veterans’ Project Donation. Martha Crafton will take the donated items to the Veterans’ Hospital in Nashville next week. Any additional items should be left on Martha’s porch by Wednesday, December 9.

6. Merryman House. Personal items are needed for the women and children housed there. There will be a special collection for December.

7. Christmas Bonus for Dimple.
MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that MWC give the customary $__ Christmas Bonus to Dimple. The motion was seconded and passed.

8. Sale of cookbooks. A supply of cookbooks has been placed at the Chamber of Commerce building.

Next, the president asked for nominations for Club Woman of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and Newcomer of the Year. Departments presented the names of their candidates. The women elected are listed below. Please do not reveal the names of the women elected. They should only go into the recorded minutes.

Club Woman of the Year Becky Rutledge
Volunteer of the Year Pat McMullin
Newcomer of the Year Lisa Kim

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president, thanked those who worked to make the Holiday Open House a success and reported that the attendance number was the largest ever.

Kathy Jo Stubblefield, second vice-president, reminded the department chairwomen that the

Short Story/Poetry entries are due January 4. She said she will pick up entries from the schools in December.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, recommended that the Board pay on the bank loan.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that MWC pay $___ on the loan.
The motion was seconded and passed.

The treasurer stated that the Beginning Cash Balance for November 1, 2009 was $____. Receipts for the month were $____, and Disbursements were $____. The Ending Cash Balance for November 30, 2009 was $_____.

ALPHA Members participated in a fundraiser for the Murray Spelling Bee. The department made donations to the Adult Literacy program.

CREATIVE ARTS The department has bought a brick for the Hospice residential facility.

GARDEN The department visited a Christmas tree display in Paris. Martha Crafton said she has received flower bulbs from Wal-Mart and would like to make a flower bed in the backyard of the Clubhouse near the trellis. She and others are willing to do the work. Permission was given.
NOTE: President Barnes requested that a thank-you note be sent to Wal-Mart.

HOME The departmental Basket Sale raised $___. Next week the group will eat at Gloria’s restaurant and exchange Christmas ornaments.

KAPPA The Kappa Tour of Homes will be Sunday, December 13.

MUSIC The department made $400 from the Potato Bar fundraiser: $___ will go to Relay for Life and $200 to the student scholarships.

SIGMA Breakfast with Santa will be on Saturday, December 12. The department would like permission to “cull” the existing Christmas decorations and buy some new ones. The Board agreed enthusiastically.

THETA The ladies made homemade cookies & delivered them to the Gentry House & to Merryman House.

ZETA The ladies bought mulch for the flower beds in the front yard of the Club House.

MEMBERSHIP Gay Evans reported that MWC has a new member. She joined after visiting the recent open house for women in business.

HISTORY Lois Pharris requested that department chairs have their historical reports in to her by January.


President Barnes asked the Board to set prices for the cookbook sale for both the MWC Cookbook and the KFWC cookbook.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that the following price schedule be followed:
MWC cookbooks (individually) $__, KFWC cookbooks $__ (individually);
and that both cookbooks sold together will be priced at $__ for MWC and $_ for KFWC, $__ total. The motion was seconded and passed.

JANUARY Board Meeting January 4, 2010,6:30 p.m.
Short Story/Poetry entry deadline January 4, 2010
2009 Department Reports January 4, 2010

BUY AND USE A KROGER CARD. The Club gets 5% of amount loaded on cards and
spent for groceries, gas, and/or prescriptions.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

October's Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Murray Woman’s Club Executive Board Meeting
October 5, 2009

The meeting of the Murray Woman’s Club Executive Board was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by President Cynthia Barnes. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, Martha Joiner, Corresponding Secretary called the roll. Every department was represented except Home. The minutes were approved as distributed.

President Barnes reported on the following:

The patio fundraiser was a success. She thanked Sandra Whittenberg and Kim Grasty for organizing the sale and to all members who donated items and worked the sale.

She stated that she needed 3 people from each department to work at Kroger on October 24 on behalf of the domestic violence shelters.

President Barnes also encouraged members to increase the use of their Kroger cards as usage was down. This is a easy way for the club to make money. She asked that Department Chairs make sure new members are aware of the card.

Barbara Brandon moved and Martha Crafton seconded that the club permanently continue to pay David Proctor for the cleaning of the floors. Each department is asked to pay $5.00 a month (or $60.00 a year) for this cost. Motion carried.

President Barnes stated that the website name and hosting was renewed until October 2010. She also sent information (URL) to GFWC. The Board minutes are posted on this website. Questions were asked about putting Arts & Crafts Contest rules and regulations on website.

The Creative Arts and Kappa Departments are co-sponsoring the Hospice showing of “A Way Home” at Wrather Museum on October 25 at 1:00 p.m. Vicky Holton has asked each department to bring one dozen cookies. Cookies can be also brought to Vicky at the Creative Arts Bazaar on October 24 at the clubhouse.

The First District Fall Conference will be held at the clubhouse on Wednesday October 21. Registration will begin at 8:30 and the conference will begin at 9am. Registration is $14 which includes lunch and should be made payable to Pat Harrington. This is also the District Arts and Crafts contest. Our club again will be planning and preparing the luncheon as a fundraiser. First District Governor Pat Harrington asked for $100.00 to help with the meal planning. Kim Grasty moved that each department donate $10.00 toward the cost involved in the fall conference. Barbara Brandon seconded and the motion carried.

The Board agreed to host the Silver Jewelry Sale on Saturday, November 21 from 9 – 2 p.m. at the clubhouse as a fundraiser.

President Barnes asked department chairs to write names, phone numbers, and emails on back of monthly reports.

First District Governor Harrington’s term ends officially following the state annual conference in 2010. The new district officers will be voted on at Fall Conference on October 21 and take office in April also following the annual conference. Martha Crafton nominated Cynthia Barnes to serve as Vice Governor of First District. Marlene Beach seconded motion. Barbara Brandon moved to table the motion until later. Motion to table was approved.

Martha Joiner moved that Martha Crafton be nominated as KFWC Treasurer for 2010-2012. Renee Buckingham seconded and the motion passed. President Barnes will write the letter of nomination which is due in November.

Jennifer Young, Team Recruitment Chair for the Calloway County Relay for Life, asked that the club respond by October 31 if they were having a team and the registration fee of $150.00 would be waived. Gale Vinson and Bobbie Weatherly of the Music Department stated that they would be co-chairing the team and anyone who wished to participate could do so. The team will most likely not be staying the entire night this time.

Vice President Bobbie Weatherly thanked everyone who participated in the General Meeting and Salad Supper. She indicated that the next General Meeting would be the annual Holiday Open House on Sunday, December 6. She stated she had contacted Kathy Mowery, MWC’s Music Department and Mark Dycus, Calloway County High School Choral Department to provide music. All Departments need to provide 4 dozen cookies. Hostess will be Sigma for decorating upstairs and side door, Home will decorate downstairs, and Kappa will act as hostesses for the reception.

Second Vice President Kathy Jo Stubblefield stated that there were 29 preregistered entries for the District Arts and Crafts Contest to be held at the fall conference on October 21. The deadline is October 7 for anyone still wishing to enter. Entries may be brought to the clubhouse on Monday, October 19 between 4 and 6pm or checked in the day of the conference between 8:00 and 8:55am.

Treasurer Cathy Pigg stated that the ending balance for September 30, 2009 was $_____. She encouraged department treasurers to get members’ dues in no later than the end of October. She stated that the patio sale netted the club $_____. She suggested that we might make this an annual fundraiser with a yard sale in the spring and fall.

She has not received dues from the following departments: Alpha, Garden, Home, and Sigma.

President Barnes stated that the cookbooks are in and will be sold for $____ each. Martha Crafton has them.

The following departments reported:

  • Alpha – Accepted 3 new members. They are planning a Spelling Bee fundraiser for adults.

  • Creative Arts - Holiday Bazaar will be held on October 24 from 8 – 1:00 p.m. They will have baked items and homemade items. They will also have 3 items to raffle off. All pecans have been sold.

  • Delta – Selling “That’s My Pan” dishes

  • Garden - Became a member of the Murray State Arboretum for $_____

  • Kappa – October meeting would be a “pink party” to bring awareness to Breast Cancer Month.

  • Music - Participated in Patio Sale. October’s meeting will begin with a Baked Potato Supper with donations going to department’s treasury.

  • Sigma – Tossed around fundraiser ideas to help erect a fence around the new playground at the City Park for safety reasons. Will again be hosting Breakfast with Santa. Made a donation of $_____ to the club.

  • Theta – Made homemade cards to send to members. Welcomed one new member.

  • Zeta - Lisa Cope spoke at their last meeting about Playhouse in the Park. Department made a donation to Playhouse in the Park.

First District Governor Harrington reported that the Marion Woman’s Club would be hosting an Amish tour & luncheon on October 14. The cost is $___ per person which includes lunch. She would welcome anyone wishing to go with her.

Tracey Wortham, Advisory Council Chair indicated that she had been approached by Vicky Anderson to rent the clubhouse some time in November for a Vendor Show that would showcase Murray businesses owned by women. Items from the businesses would be for sale. Discussion included the possibility of MWC co-hosting in order to promote membership, local business women, and to sell MWC Cookbooks, charging only the $__cleaning fee.

Barbara Brandon moved that we appoint Tracey to use her discretion in arranging the use of the clubhouse for this purpose. Martha Crafton seconded and motion carried

Martha Crafton indicated that she had been asked to report to the Southeastern Region the number of butterfly bushes that the MWC has planted in our community. She also reminded members to bring items for the Veterans Hospital, Nashville, TN, i.e. white tube socks, pencils, puzzles, books, until December 1.

Sally DuFord-Foley stated that six members would be walking in the Heart Walk. She stated you didn’t have to walk but could give a donation. She also stated that the Hospice House Committee was selling dedication and personalized bricks for $___ each which would be placed at the new hospice house.

Gay Evans, Membership Chair stated that the GFWC goal is 5 new members in 2009. She was working on ideas to increase membership.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September's Executive Board Meeting Minutes

MURRAY WOMAN’S CLUB Executive Board Meeting August 31, 2009

The Murray Woman’s Club met at the Club House on August 31, 2009. The meeting date was changed because of the scheduled Labor Day Holiday. President Cynthia Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and asked the recording secretary for a roll call. Nineteen board members were present with all departments represented.

The minutes of the August 3, 2009, meeting were approved without addition or correction and filed for record.


Cynthia Barnes,president, discussed the following issues:
1. New Roof and Expenses. The president stated that the Club had taken out a $_____ line of credit to complete payment for the roof. Expenses have almost depleted the club treasury. Therefore, it is urgent that membership dues be paid as soon as possible.

2. KFWC Dues Deadline. The deadline for forwarding membership dues to KFWC has been changed to an earlier date. Cathy Pigg needs to have an accurate count of members from each department by October 1. The chairwoman of each department needs to ensure that her members are notified of this change before their September meeting so that dues can be collected at that meeting.
3. Shop & Share for Domestic Violence. The date for this event will be October 24; the location is the Kroger store. Two volunteers per hour will be needed. Get your volunteers at the September departmental meetings. Sign-up sheets will be available at October Board meeting.This event benefits Merryman House.

4. Google Calendar. The president has sent out invitations to Board members which will allow them to sign up for the Calendar. Direct any questions to Cynthia.

5. New E-Mail Address. murraywomansclub@gmail.com can now be used in advertising and other communications.

6. District Fall Conference. The president appointed a committee to plan for the meal and the decorations for the First District Fall Conference which will be held on October 21 at the Club House. The Committee will be Martha Crafton, Pat Harrington, Virginia Randolph, Martha Joiner, Gale Vinson, and Pat Conner.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president, announced the first general meeting of the year will be held on September 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the Club House. The speaker will be Vonnie Hays Adams. Hostesses for the Salad Supper will be the Garden Department and the Zeta Department.

Kathy Jo Stubblefied, second vice-president, distributed the information packets for the First District Arts & Crafts contests. She said that the dead-line for preregistration for entries is Monday, September 28. Get those entry forms to her. The contest items must be brought to the MWC Club House between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on October 19. The entries will be judged on October 20.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer,reported that $____ had been borrowed and that the bill for the roof had been paid. The Beginning Cash Balance for August 2009 was $_____. Receipts for August 2009 were $____ and Disbursements were $_____for an Ending Cash Balance on August 31, 2009, of $_____. She emphasized the need for additional revenue.

The president announced that the Finance Chairman for MWC has resigned from the Club. She suggested that appointing co-chairwomen for this position might be advantageous.

Martha Crafton stated that she has only 15 MWC cookbooks left to sell and raised the question of ordering additional ones.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC have a yard sale at the Club House on Saturday, September 19.
The motion was seconded and passed.

The Board set the following requirements for the sale: Items must be priced to sell before bringing them to Club House Items should be brought to Club House between Noon and 6:00 p.m. on Friday, September 18. No Adult clothes. Babies’ and children’s clothes accepted. Bring grocery bags for bagging sales items

Sandra Whittenberg and Kim Grasty volunteered to be co-chairs for the sale.They will coordinate the volunteers needed for each day and time slot.

Noting that the bill for printing the Yearbooks exceeded $___, the Board decided to charge $____ for each additional Yearbook requested by a member.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC order 300 additional cookbooks which will be sold at $___ each.The motion was seconded and passed.

Department members will be notified when the cookbooks arrive and are available.

The president said that chairwomen should make a note on the back of their meeting report sheet to report “fun activities” for that meeting and should also state the activity.

The question of honoring the Lady Racers’ Golf Team was brought up.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that the Board defer the discussion of which MSU teams to honor until the October Board meeting.
The motion was seconded and passed.

The president reminded the Board of the Club’s Veterans’ Project. Members should bring items to the next three departmental meetings. Those items are tube socks, books, puzzles, crossword puzzles, pencils, and cards.


Creative Arts: The department will sell pecans on September 10.

Deltas: The department will sell personalized pans and other cooking items as a fundraiser.

The president urged board members to help her recruit finance co-chairwomen.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August's Executive Board Minutes

MURRAY WOMAN’S CLUB Executive Board Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2009

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on August 3, 2009 at the Club House. Before the business meeting began, the president introduced Carrie Groves, Director of Main Street Youth Center, who spoke to the Board about the programs which the Center provides for the youth in this area. She also acknowledged the cut back in appropriations from United Way and the fact that this financial loss has been absorbed by the staff in order to keep the programs going.

At 6:30 p.m. Cynthia Barnes, president, called the Board meeting to order and requested a call of the roll. Eighteen Board members were present with all department chairwomen except Home and Music in attendance.

The minutes of the July 2009 meeting were approved by the committee without addition or correction and filed for record.

Cynthia Barnes, president, congratulated Martha Crafton and Tracey Wortham for their reports of the past year’s activities which had won both KFWC and GFWC recognition. She also expressed appreciation for the work of the Board in helping with the recent First District Summer Workshop and gave a brief report on the trip to the KFWC Summer Workshop.

The president also dealt with the following items of business:
1. Roof Repairs. The new roof on the Club House has been completed.

2. Dues Needed Earlier. KFWC has changed the deadline for member dues. This means that MWC will need to have its dues in as quickly as possible after departments begin meeting. She asked department chairs to contact their members (e-mail, phone, etc.) so they will know to bring their dues.

3. Tours of Old Governor’s. She announced that remodeling of the Old Governor’s mansion in Frankfort has been completed and will be open for tours September 9 through October 3, 2009. Hostesses are needed.Contact Pat Geveden if you can help. The charge for the tour is $10 per person.

4. Shop & Share Domestic Violence Shelters. The event will be held at the Kroger store on October 24 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Two MWC volunteers per hour are needed. The schedule will be discussed at the August 31 meeting.

5. Community Improvement Project. The club needs to identify a community project which will meet KFWC requirements. The project can extend over a two-year period. No decisions were made but several suggestions were made: identifying STOP sign areas which are visual hazards, identifying where children and/or elderly sleep in homes to aid in case of fire, park improvement project.

6. Importance of communication within departments and within the Club. Ideas from other Clubs were discussed, but no decisions were made.

7. Publicity Book. The project was discussed. It was noted that the project has been discussed several years ago. No action was taken.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president, reported briefly on both the KFWC and First District Summer Workshops, stating that they were well-planned and helpful.

Kathy Jo Stubblefield, second vice-president, announced that she will have the information about the First District Arts & Crafts contests available for distribution at the August 31 meeting.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, reported that the Beginning Cash Balance for July 1,2009, was $_____. Receipts were $____ and Disbursements were $_____ for an Ending Cash Balance on July 31, 2009, of $______. Cathy noted that the Club is not receiving very much income at present. She said that the loan has been set up to pay for the roof repairs. That project will be paid for as soon as she receives the bill.

The treasurer appealed to department chairwomen to urge their department members to pay dues as early as possible and to make sure that the departmental treasurers forward that money to her. She asked that the
departments not wait for the complete membership to pay. GET ALL DUES TO HER BY OCTOBER 1.

The Board discussed the importance of continuing to purchase and use Kroger cards because this is a source of income for MWC.


    The department is planning a Summer Luncheon to which they will bring
    prospective members.
  • CA
    The date for their Bazaar will be October 24. The department has
    scheduled a workshop for the Bazaar on August 24.
    The department will meet on August 12 with a guest speaker.
    The department will meet in September. They have two new members.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president, proposed setting a growth goal to add younger women to the Club. Additional comments were made by members of the Board regarding Junior and Juniorette affiliated Clubs. No action was taken. The topic was tabled.


  • Advisory
Tracey Wortham announced completion of the following projects:
1. roof finished
2. floor cleaned
3. steps carpeted
4. a storm window replaced.

She asked the Board for clarification about unscheduled departmental meetings outside the regular meeting times--especially near a weekend when the Club House has been rented. The question involved responsibility for Club House cleanup. The matter was resolved by referring to the By-Laws.

  • Membership
Gay Evans proposed that the Club buy tickets for “Julie & Julia,”as a fundraiser. No action was taken because there was not enough time to advertise, even to MWC members.

  • Cookbook
    Martha Crafton stated that there are only 15 MWC cookbooks left.

  • Women’s & Children’s Health
Sally DuFord-Foley announced that Dairy Queen and the Car Wash next to Hungry Bear restaurant will have a fundraiser for Hospice on Saturday, August 8. Between noon and 5 p.m., all proceeds will be donated to Hospice. Also, she said that Hospice will have special dinner fundraiser on August 22 at the Club House. Tickets are $__ per person. Food will be donated.

Governor Pat Harrington presented a check for $____ to Cathy Pigg, treasurer, stating that 51 woman attended the First District Workshop. She thanked all the women who helped with the event.


Adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Executive Board Meeting (Sept.) Monday, August 31 6:30 p.m.
General Club Meeting Thursday,September 24,6:00 p.m.
First District Fall Conference Wednesday, October 21
Shop & Share Saturday, October 24

Monday, June 1, 2009

June's Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Executive Board Meeting
June 1, 2009

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club held its first meeting of the club year 2009-2010 on June 1, 2009. The regular business meeting was preceded by a workshop for the incoming officers.

President Cynthia Barnes called the business meeting to order at 6:32 p.m., requesting a roll call of the Board. Twenty-three members were present, with all departments represented.

The minutes of the May 4, 2009, Board meeting were approved without addition or correction and filed for record.


Cynthia Barnes, president, dealt with the following items of business:
1. Memorial Service. The president thanked all the women who had helped with the occasion.

2. Departmental Reports. She asked that reports be turned in promptly.

3. Yearbook. The president asked Sondra Rice to report on the yearbook process. Sondra stated that she needed all information as soon as possible. But the absolute deadline is the end of June. She also requested that the information be turned in as a completed unit--not in “dribbles.”

4. Fun Activities Chairperson. The president reminded the department chairwomen that each of them should appoint a “fun activities” representative who will become part of the General Club’s committee.

5. First District Workshop. She announced that this workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 22. Luncheon will be served by MWC club women and will be a club fundraiser. A sign-up sheet will be available at the July Board meeting. She also appointed a luncheon committee consisting of Bobbie Weatherly, Kathy Jo Stubblefield, Martha Crafton, Pat Harrington, and Sally Duford-Foley.

At this point the president invited Pat Harrington, First District governor, to give addition information about the Workshop. The governor stated that the event was planned to include a mini-leadership workshop, protocol workshop, and perhaps a photography workshop. The registration fee and the cost for the luncheon have not been set. She emphasized that this will be an informal occasion.

6.Google Calendar. Cynthia Barnes continued with her presentation and introduced the possibility of using a Google Calendar (with link from our website) for the club. No formal action was taken.

7. “Civic Pride” Programs. WNBS will air community involvement programs and has invited MWC to participate. Questionnaires were made available. The president asked department chairwomen to fill out the questionnaire, return it promptly, and appoint a representative to appear on the show.

Cynthia reported that she has been invited to represent Murray Woman’s Club and ride on the Grand Marshals float in the Freedom Fest Parade.

She stated that MWC has received an announcement about the “Leadership Tomorrow” 4K event which will benefit the Humane Society.

MOTION: Pat Harrington moved that MWC donate $__ to the Humane Society “Leadership Tomorrow” to benefit the Humane Society.
The motion was seconded and passed.

Pat further reported that she had been contacted by a representative of the United Way, asking that MWC club women volunteer to work at the concession stand (at the concert) for the hours from 4 p.m.-10 p.m. (approximately). The offer was discussed and consensus was that MWC not participate.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president, thanked the Alpha, Garden, and Theta departments for their work in decorating the clubhouse and serving as gracious hosts. She also said that there were 57 members who signed in to be eligible for the year’s free membership. Jo Crass was the winner.

The vice-president announced the hostess schedule for the coming year: September- Garden and Zeta; December-Sigma decorates upstairs and front door (?); Home will decorate downstairs and side door (?). Kappa department will chair the event and assist in serving. March-- Creative Arts and Delta; May--Music will chair the event and assist in serving. Theta will decorate upstairs and Alpha will decorate downstairs.

She is working on the programs.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, reported approximately $____ current balance. She stated that this amount includes the insurance payment for the new roof. The cost of the roof will deplete the treasury. Cathy suggested that MWC needs to borrow the approximately $___ difference between the insurance payment and the cost of the roof. She also asked that the Board work on planning fundraisers.

The treasurer stated that KFWC has new regulations which require that dues be paid by October 15. She urged department chairs and treasurers to collect the money and report the membership information as soon as possible.

The Beginning Cash Balance for May 1, 2009 was $_____. Receipts were $____ and Disbursements were $_____ for an Ending Cash Balance on May 31, 2009 of $_____.


Pat Latimer will speak on finances at their coming meeting.

The department will no longer sell Stanley products.

The department held a “Bakeless Bake Sale” which earned $255.

Pat Harrington thanked the club for inviting her to install the officers for the new club year.


Tracey Wortham announced that Ann Doran has requested Honorary Status. Billie Hall has asked to become an associate member. Sue Allison has had to resign from the Advisory Board and MWC because of current health problems. Tracey said that David Proctor would wash the windows for approximately $___. He also agreed to do the kitchen floor for $__.

MOTION Jo Crass moved that each department contribute $__ for the cleaning of the windows.
The motion did not pass because of concern expressed during the discussion about the condition of the upstairs windows.

MOTION Barbara Brandon moved that each department contribute $__ for the upgrading of the Clubhouse. The money should be used at the discretion o the Advisory Council.
Motion was seconded and passed.

Tracey asked for information on people who could lay the carpet for the stairs at the Clubhouse.

The Board asked Tracey to discuss with Swift Roofing the possibility of paying the cost of roof replacement by installments: $____ now and finish paying next fall. She reported that Kim Grasty and her husband were spray-washing the patio without cost to MWC.

Community Improvement Martha Crafton said that new flowers have been planted in the Triangle Area. Members should feel free to weed the area whenever possible.

The president reminded the Board of the Book Swap and membership drive.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May's Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Executive Board Meeting
May 4, 2009

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, May 4, 2009. President Cynthia Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. There were eighteen board members present; only the Home Department was without representation.

The minutes of the April 6, 2009, meeting were approved without correction and filed for record.

Cynthia Barnes, president, reported on the following items of business:
1. State Convention Awards received. Murray Woman’s Club had 13 first-place winners, 6 second-place winners, and 3 third-place winners.

2. Twenty-five-year pins. These pins are available and can be purchased for less than $__ by individual members. Please contact Cynthia if you are eligible and wish to purchase one.

3. Hospice Luncheon. MWC members from the Delta and Sigma Departments assisted with the luncheon which was considered to be successful.

4. New Members. New members should be added to the regular monthly departmental reports. Remember that reporting of these new members should begin in January of each year.

5. Special American Heart Association 5k Run/Walk. This event will take place on May 16 and is a forerunner of the October Heart Walk which benefits Calloway County. Deadline for registration is May 11. Contact Cynthia or Sally Duford-Foley for more information.

6. Officer Training Session. A special training session will be held at 6:00 p.m. before the June board meeting. Officers continuing their responsibilities are encouraged to come and share their experience with new department chairwomen, vice- chairwomen, secretaries, and treasurers.

NOTE: Chairwomen bring your reports to this June meeting.

7. Need Line Collection in May. Pantry items and household supplies may be taken to Need Line or brought to the next Board meeting.

8. May Memorial and General Meeting. Encourage members to attend and honor those club women who have died within the past year.

9. Yearbook. Department chairwomen should get the information to Sondra Rice by June 20. The information should include department meetings, hostesses, officers, committee representatives. Please be sure to check with all members and verify telephone numbers, street addresses, and e-mail addresses.

l0. Fun Activities Chairwoman. New position. Each department should appoint a representative who will be part of the MWC committee. That Club committee will select one of its members to sit on the MWC Board.

11. Kroger Cards. Martha Crafton has 8 Kroger cards for sale.

The president expressed her gratitude for the support given her during her absence because of health problems.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president, reminded the Board of the special
Memorial Service at the May General Meeting. The women who will be
remembered are Dolores Wells, Vivian Hale, Rebecca Irvan, Winnie Love,
Jo Oakley, Rose Marie Bryan, and Myrtle Douglas (Roberta Perry and Louise Swann-checking) Volunteers will be needed to give the tributes.

There will be a Salad Supper following the memorial service, as well as the installation of the officers for 2009-2010. Hostesses will be members of the Theta Department. The Garden Department will decorate upstairs, and the Alpha Department will decorate the downstairs, including the tables.

Judy Kelso, second vice-president, confirmed the contest awards won at the state convention and also pointed out a problem which has developed out of MWC’s Poetry/Short Story local awards night. That problem involved the alteration of an $__ award check given by the Theta Department to one of the young girls who was a first-place winner. The check was altered to read $__
and was cashed. The Murray police and the bank have been notified. The young girl contends that she never received her award’s check.

The Board recommended that the Theta Department should handle the situation and make whatever decisions seem appropriate. The Board also offered its support to the department and its willingness to assist if needed.

Treasurer’s Report: No report.


Alpha The department has offered to fix the carpet on the steps outside the side entrance. They had 18 members present at the last meeting.

Creative Arts Members enjoyed a trip to the Hazel Magnolia Tea Room.

Delta Their May 13 meeting is planned as a mystery event.

Garden The group will be going to Paris to visit gardens there for the next meeting.

Kappa The Evening of Chocolate netted about $___. Also, the department received a generous $___ donation from Woodmen of the World.

Music The department’s annual fundraiser will be “Blooms & Tunes” on May 19. This will be an evening with dinner and entertainment which will start at 6:15 p.m. Minimum donation: $_ Proceeds will go for music scholarships. The “Relay for Life” team raised $____. Thanks to all club members who bought ribbons and helped with the Bake Sale.

Theta The department will meet on May 18 at Glendale Place to have lunch with the ladies in residence there and also to give them manicures.

Zeta The department plans to go out to lunch for their next meeting. Ann Doran has expressed the desire to become an honorary member. Patsy Tracey has had to resign because of her scheduling conflicts.


Advisory Tracey Wortham stated that the roof replacement will be done in July.

Membership Gay Evans distributed flyers for a “Book Swap” event on June 2. She asked that each department design a bookmark appropriate for its mission and get that design to her quickly. She also distributed a schedule of the committee's meetings and emphasized the importance of having an active representative from each department on that committee.

Pat Harrington announced that the Summer Workshop will be held at MWC’s Clubhouse on July 22. An SER official will be making a presentation at the Workshop.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March's Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Executive Board Meeting
March 2, 2009

NOTE: The Executive Board meeting for February was cancelled because of inclement weather.

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on March 2, 2009. In the absence of President Cynthia Barnes, First vice-president Bobbie Weatherly chaired the meeting which was called to order at 6:32 p.m. Eighteen board members were present; only Home and Music were without representation.

The minutes of the January 5, 2009, board meeting were approved without correction and filed for record.

Bobbie Weatherly, presiding officer, dealt with the following issues:
1. Members who should receive 50-year pins. Margie Shown has been named as a 50-year members. Discussion centered around ordering a 25-year pin for members, but no action was taken.

2. Thank-You Notes. The staff from the Girls’ Home sent a note of thanks for the special Christmas Party and gifts for the girls. Also, theMSU Soccer Team sent a note of appreciation to the MWC Board for hosting the dinner for them.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that the MWC Board host a special dinner for the Murray State University Women’s Basketball Team. The date and time will be scheduled later. The motion was seconded and carried.

3. The presiding officer read a letter of resignation from Judy Kelso, second vice-president, expressing her regret that she could no longer carry on her responsibilities. The Board accepted her resignation with equal regret.

4. Bobbie Weatherly nominated three board members to the Nominating Committee to fill the vacated position of second vice-president. They were Virginia Randolph, Kim Grasty, and Lois Pharris.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that the members named to the Nominating Committee be accepted by acclamation. The motion was seconded and passed. This committee will present its nomination to the Board at the April Executive Board Meeting.

5. Hospice Luncheon. The luncheon this year will be on April 21, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the First Methodist Church. Volunteers from the Delta and Sigma departments will assist with the luncheon. However, each department is asked to bring/send one dessert for the event. Contact Vicky Holton, Hospice, for more information.

6. Merryman House Bake Sale. The staff of Merryman House has asked the Murray Woman’s Club to bring baked items for sale. They also need volunteer workers to be at Wal-Mart from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 18.

7. KFWC State Convention. The Convention will be held April 23-25 at the Executive Inn West in Louisville. Contact Pat Harrington if you would like to go.

8. MARCH GENERAL MEETING, AWARDS NIGHT. The first vice-president requested that each department bring 3 dozen (3) cookies, already arranged on a platter, to the Club House by 5:45 p.m. on March 26. She reminded the board that parents and friends, as well as the winners will attend.

Martha Joiner, corresponding secretary, stated that she had sent “Get Well” cards to several people.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, reported that she had sent a check for $___ to make an additional payment on the heating-air conditioning equipment bill. The balance still owed is $___. The beginning Cash Balance on February 1, 2009, was $____. Receipts were $____ and Disbursements were $_____ for an Ending Cash Balance of $_____.

Judy Kelso, second vice-president announced that the Delta and Music Departments will be hostesses for the March General Meeting. Winning Arts & Crafts entries will be on display at the meeting. Poetry/Short Story contest winners will also be announced.

DEPARTMENT: Reports in Brief and fundraiser dates

Recent meeting featured a speaker on the topic of living green. Fundraiser will be September 12, 2009, at the Club House.

Eighteen members attended the February meeting.

Members will assist with the Hospice Luncheon on April 21, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the First Methodist Church. Also announced was the return of “The Way Home,” a readers’ theatre production about the battle with cancer, which will be at St. John’s Church.
Note: The Vagina Monologues will be presented on March 7 at the Paducah Civic Center. Dinner and performance is $___.

All reports for the First District are in and they were well done. She expects MWC to receive numerous awards at the state convention.

Announced that the March and April programs have been switched. The March program will be about food additives. The Silent Auction will be held on April 2, at 1:00 p.m. Proceeds go for scholarships.

Evening of Chocolate Delight will be April 23. Also, the department purchased new Christmas decorations for the past Open House, as well containers which are plastic and will protect against water. Kappas have volunteered to decorate the downstairs again next Christmas Open House.

Department made a $___ contribution to the Jazz Band after the Jazz Combo performed for the February meeting. The scholarship fundraiser will be May 19. Minimum donation will be $_ for the
meal. Doors will open at 6:15 p.m.

Met with Director of Parks and Recreation to discuss plans for a new play area and water park. Department had already given $___ for the parks but added an additional $___ contribution.

Members toured the new County Health Center and the MCTA’s new facility. Their fundraiser will be an auction on March 16 at 12:30 p.m.

Members will have a “Bakeless Bake Sale” for a fundraiser. Recent program featured Melissa Finklea speaking about Identity Theft. Three members will be memorialized at the May meeting.


Civic & Recycling: Next “Make a Difference Day” will be March 14. The big shredder will be there.

Women’s & Children’s Health Recent Heart Walk netted $___.

No further business was conducted. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February's Executive Board Minutes

Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting
February 2009

Due to bad weather conditions, the February meeting was canceled.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

January's Executive Board Minutes

Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting
January 5, 2009

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, January 5, 2009.
President Cynthia Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, Martha Joiner called the roll. The departments not represented were Delta, Home, and Theta.

The Board then approved the minutes from the December 1, 2008, meeting without correction. Those minutes were filed for record.

The Corresponding Secretary read a thank-you note from the Veterans’ Hospital in Nashville. She also stated that a thank-you note had been sent to Jackie and Sue Vaughn from Murray Woman’s Club, thanking them for the $100 which they had donated to the Club from the jewelry sale.

Cynthia Barnes, president, reported on the following items of business:

1. Kroger Cards. New cards are now available.

2. Veterans’ Hospital Project. The president thanked Martha Crafton and Joanne Cavitt for taking the items to Veterans Hospital, as well as for sending article about the project to the local newspaper.

3. Sale of Cookbooks at Kroger. Apparently, there was no member was at Kroger to sell the books.

4. Lion’s Club Sound System Request. The request for secure storage for the system has been referred to the Advisory Council. No report from the Council regarding the issue has been made.

5. Honoring 50-Year Members. The president needs to receive names of the 50-year members from their department chairwomen immediately. Only one name has been turned in so far: that of Marjory Shown.

6. Special Collection for Merryman House. The MWC project for January and February will be collecting personal/toiletry items for Merryman House. These items can be collected at departmental meetings and then brought to the March Board meeting. Another option if for department chairwomen to deliver the items to the Domestic Violence Center.

7. Go Red for Women. February is Heart Month. Remind members to wear red on February 6. Announce it your January departmental meetings.

8. Club Historian. Lois Pharris has agreed to serve as Club Historian, a position requested by the state.

9. Fun Activities Chair. KFWC has requested that this position be added to each club. The president needs a volunteer. Please announce this at your January departmental meeting.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president,thanked everyone for helping with the Christmas Open House,either by providing cookies, hosting, or decorating. She reported that several people had told her this Open House was the best one ever. She also stated that Lillian Robertson has asked club members to clean out their closets for clothes for the New Opportunity School. These items should be brought to the clubhouse as soon as possible, but no later than the end of February. The clothes can be for any season.

Judy Kelso, second vice-president, asked that department chairwomen remind their members to enter the poetry and short story contests. She would like entries from members. She has received all school entries. They will be sent to the Alpha Department for judging on January 17.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, stated that she had received a check for $2091.83 from Regions Bank which replaces 7 previously not cashed dividend checks. A claim form will be filed for another dividend of $291.39 which had been escheated to the state. The treasurer also reported that she had received $1600 from the sale of cookbooks. Financial reports were distributed.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that MWC give $1600 from the sale of the cookbooks to pay down the HVAC debt.
The motion was seconded and carried.

There were no departmental reports because the departments have not yet met.
Please Note: The president needs to have all outstanding monthly reports from the departments as soon as possible.


Advisory Tracey Wortham reminded the departments who decorated the Clubhouse to take down the decorations as soon as possible.

Civic/Recycling Lois Pharris presented the Recycling Report for 2008.


The Board decided that MWC Executive Board meetings will automatically be canceled whenever the city schools are out because of bad weather.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.