Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September's Executive Board Meeting Minutes

MURRAY WOMAN’S CLUB Executive Board Meeting August 31, 2009

The Murray Woman’s Club met at the Club House on August 31, 2009. The meeting date was changed because of the scheduled Labor Day Holiday. President Cynthia Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and asked the recording secretary for a roll call. Nineteen board members were present with all departments represented.

The minutes of the August 3, 2009, meeting were approved without addition or correction and filed for record.


Cynthia Barnes,president, discussed the following issues:
1. New Roof and Expenses. The president stated that the Club had taken out a $_____ line of credit to complete payment for the roof. Expenses have almost depleted the club treasury. Therefore, it is urgent that membership dues be paid as soon as possible.

2. KFWC Dues Deadline. The deadline for forwarding membership dues to KFWC has been changed to an earlier date. Cathy Pigg needs to have an accurate count of members from each department by October 1. The chairwoman of each department needs to ensure that her members are notified of this change before their September meeting so that dues can be collected at that meeting.
3. Shop & Share for Domestic Violence. The date for this event will be October 24; the location is the Kroger store. Two volunteers per hour will be needed. Get your volunteers at the September departmental meetings. Sign-up sheets will be available at October Board meeting.This event benefits Merryman House.

4. Google Calendar. The president has sent out invitations to Board members which will allow them to sign up for the Calendar. Direct any questions to Cynthia.

5. New E-Mail Address. murraywomansclub@gmail.com can now be used in advertising and other communications.

6. District Fall Conference. The president appointed a committee to plan for the meal and the decorations for the First District Fall Conference which will be held on October 21 at the Club House. The Committee will be Martha Crafton, Pat Harrington, Virginia Randolph, Martha Joiner, Gale Vinson, and Pat Conner.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president, announced the first general meeting of the year will be held on September 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the Club House. The speaker will be Vonnie Hays Adams. Hostesses for the Salad Supper will be the Garden Department and the Zeta Department.

Kathy Jo Stubblefied, second vice-president, distributed the information packets for the First District Arts & Crafts contests. She said that the dead-line for preregistration for entries is Monday, September 28. Get those entry forms to her. The contest items must be brought to the MWC Club House between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on October 19. The entries will be judged on October 20.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer,reported that $____ had been borrowed and that the bill for the roof had been paid. The Beginning Cash Balance for August 2009 was $_____. Receipts for August 2009 were $____ and Disbursements were $_____for an Ending Cash Balance on August 31, 2009, of $_____. She emphasized the need for additional revenue.

The president announced that the Finance Chairman for MWC has resigned from the Club. She suggested that appointing co-chairwomen for this position might be advantageous.

Martha Crafton stated that she has only 15 MWC cookbooks left to sell and raised the question of ordering additional ones.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC have a yard sale at the Club House on Saturday, September 19.
The motion was seconded and passed.

The Board set the following requirements for the sale: Items must be priced to sell before bringing them to Club House Items should be brought to Club House between Noon and 6:00 p.m. on Friday, September 18. No Adult clothes. Babies’ and children’s clothes accepted. Bring grocery bags for bagging sales items

Sandra Whittenberg and Kim Grasty volunteered to be co-chairs for the sale.They will coordinate the volunteers needed for each day and time slot.

Noting that the bill for printing the Yearbooks exceeded $___, the Board decided to charge $____ for each additional Yearbook requested by a member.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC order 300 additional cookbooks which will be sold at $___ each.The motion was seconded and passed.

Department members will be notified when the cookbooks arrive and are available.

The president said that chairwomen should make a note on the back of their meeting report sheet to report “fun activities” for that meeting and should also state the activity.

The question of honoring the Lady Racers’ Golf Team was brought up.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that the Board defer the discussion of which MSU teams to honor until the October Board meeting.
The motion was seconded and passed.

The president reminded the Board of the Club’s Veterans’ Project. Members should bring items to the next three departmental meetings. Those items are tube socks, books, puzzles, crossword puzzles, pencils, and cards.


Creative Arts: The department will sell pecans on September 10.

Deltas: The department will sell personalized pans and other cooking items as a fundraiser.

The president urged board members to help her recruit finance co-chairwomen.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

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