Thursday, May 11, 2006

May 1, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

May 1, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on May 1, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. at the Club House for a Dinner Meeting. Following the dinner and the revelation of the Secret Pals for the year, the president called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked that the roll be called. All departments were represented.

The minutes of the April 2006 Executive Board Meeting were approved with corrections and filed for record.


Pat Harrington, president, thanked the members for the reception she received after returning from KFWC State Convention with the “Outstanding Club Woman” award. She said she was overwhelmed by the police escort, the motorcade, and the flowers.

Other MWC members honored were Martha Crafton, who was installed as First District Governor, and Patsy Tracy, who was chosen as Newcomer of the Year. Nathan Crafton was a KFWC scholarship winner.

Pat listed the awards received by Murray Woman’s Club at the Convention:
12 First Place awards, 9 Second Place awards, 2 Third Place awards, as well as an Honor Certificate for 100% Club, the Grand Prize for Press Book, and a Merit Award for activities reducing Violence Toward Women. In addition to the above honors received at the Convention, MWC had been invited to present its Chorus to perform for the final dinner meeting.

Other items of business discussed by the president were the following:
1. The Club brochure has been reprinted and is now available.
2. The WKMS Phon-A-Thon raised $---. The bill for services of MWC has been sent to WKMS.
3. The socks and books for the Veterans’ Project will be delivered by Martha Crafton to the Nashville hospital on June 1,2006. Angels Attic donated books, the Girl Scouts collected books and socks, and Wal-Mart contributed men’s clothing.
4. A new GFWC project will be “Empowering Women One by One.” Merryman Kemp will be the state chair for this program. Also, the GFWC president’s special project will be “Domestic Violence.”
5. Kroger Gift Cards earned MWC over $300 this month.
6. The nonprofit Art Guild’s use of the downstairs for their auction in conjunction with the Kappa’s “Evening of Chocolate” had been approved by special MWC Executive Board consensus with the following restrictions: 1. this was to be a one-time only event, 2. MWC was to receive credit for an in-kind contribution to the Guild and was to be listed in all advertising, 3. the Guild was responsible for paying Dimple for cleaning the area.
7. The training sessions for department officers will be held in June. All elected officers should attend--especially the Treasurers. Changes have been made in the plans of work, and orientation will be necessary.
8. The Memorial Service for the three club members who have died since May 1, 2005 and the General Meeting will be held on May 25. The Memorial Service will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed by the traditional potluck. Each chairwoman is asked to make sure that five of her department’s members attend this meeting. (The First District Governor will be attending!)
Also, this year each department chair may chose to honor one member. (Board members may also choose to honor a member.) The award may be serious or funny. Just let Pat know by May 18 so that she can make a certificate.
At this point the business meeting was suspended so that Martha Joiner could present state awards to the student contestant winners whose work was taken to the state convention. The work of High School Arts & Crafts winners Charles Costello and Elise Moore was not taken to the state contest. State level winners were Katie Decillo, 2nd place for Poetry & Short Story; Nathan Smith, 3rd place; Hannah Williams, 2nd place; Ian Holmes, 2nd place; Mitchell Handigan, 1st place. In the Club Woman’s competition, Rebecca Rutledge won 1st place state; Joetta Kelly won 2nd place state; Martha Joiner won 3rd place in “Volunteers in Achievement” picture.

The business meeting resumed, and the president reported that the incoming KFWC president, Faye Gregory, announced the theme of “Faith, Hope, and Love” for her tenure of office. Special projects will be eldercare, diabetes, and public libraries.

Pat called attention to the material, included with the Board Agenda, on Senate Bill 1955 received from the Kentucky senators, urging citizens to call in Wednesday, May 3, and express their opposition to the bill’s passage.

She expressed her grateful appreciation for the support, which she has received during her term as president of Murray Woman’s Club.

Tracey Wortham, first vice-president, reminded the board that the General Meeting will be on Thursday, May 25 . The Memorial Service will begin at 6:30 p.m. The dinner following will be potluck.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, urged members to enter the contests next year. She expressed appreciation for the assistance of club members and stated that she was ready to “hand off” the responsibility to Jackie Helm.

Sheree Story, treasurer, stated that there is no report this month and that the completed year-end treasurer’s report will be made at the June meeting. She distributed forms for departmental treasurers to the departmental chairs and requested that they be completed and returned by June 15.


The department participated in both “Reading Is Fundamental” and the Veterans’ Sox and Books project.

Arts Plans were made for the fall bazaar at the April meeting. The women plan to produce a cookbook for the bazaar. An $---
scholarship was awarded.

The department is still selling Christmas balls. They also helped with the Hospice luncheon.

Martha Crafton announced that $--- was earned by the Jewelry Sale and that the Club received an addition $--- as donation.

Members attended the Hospice luncheon. Their card party has been canceled. The department will accept nominations for “Yard of the Month.” The emphasis should be on those people who do their own yard work.

The department held a Tea Party at which Pat Wallace from D. K.Kelly spoke on fashions.

The “Evening of Chocolate” was very successful.

Bobbie Weatherly thanked the Board on behalf of the Chorus for the financial assistance to attend the KFWC Convention. The “Spring Sing for Scholarships” will be held on May 16 at 6:30 p.m. Performing will be Gary Vacca, piano; Holy Ground, a capella group; and the MWC chorus. The minimum donation will be $5 per person. More donations will be gratefully accepted. Reservations are necessary. Call Pam Seward at 759-2245 or Linda Scott or Sheila Vacca. See flyer for phone numbers.

The women participated in the Veterans’ Sox & Books project, Red Cross “Ride for Red,” “Relay for Life,” and assisted with the Hospice luncheon. They hope to donate a case of clubhouse replicas for sale to people who rent the clubhouse.

The department collected sox and books for veterans and items for Merryman House.

The department took the past KFWC president to a luncheon at Lone Oak “Memory Lane.” Barbara Brandon received socks and underwear from Wal-Mart for the Veteran’s project and needs to sort them.

Reminders: Legislative Forum will be on May 4 at 7 p.m.

Sally DuFord needs the yearbook information in May.

President Pat Harrington again thanked the board for their assistance during the past two years, closing the meeting with gifts and hugs for board members.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph,

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