Sunday, November 19, 2006

Nov. 6, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

November 6, 2006

The Murray Woman's Club met at the Club House on Monday, November 6, 2006. President Tracey Wortham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and requested that the roll be called. Twenty-two board members were in attendance with all departments represented.

Cathy Elias was introduced by the president. Cathy reported on the Family Literacy Program, emphasizing the opportunities for helping families and the need for funds to prepare a meal for parents and children because of the time of the meetings. Members asked questions about the frequency and cost of the meals. Cathy stated that it cost her about $30 per meal and that she provided the meals once or twice a month. There is no budget for the food.

MOTION: Pat Harrington moved that the Murray Woman’s Club help in feeding these families through the following procedure: (1) the Executive Committee contribute $30 for one month --one meal and (2) each department take a month and provide $30 for one meal for that month. The motion was seconded and carried.

Sandra Whittenberg and Pat Harrington were asked to coordinate the project. There was some discussion about providing food or the $30 for the designated meal a month. No definite plan was made.

Following roll call, the minutes of the October 2, 2006, meeting were approved without corrections and filed for record.

Martha Joiner, corresponding secretary, stated that cards had been sent to Shelia Vacca and Becky Rutledge and a thank-you card to D. K. Kelly.

Tracey Wortham, president, expressed her appreciation to the Board for their assistance in preparing for the First District Fall Conference and especially to Judy Kelso and Sondra Rice for coordinating the food preparation. The Fall Conference was also discussed by Martha Crafton, governor, who reported that 74 people attended and that the MWC made $632.

Tracey thanked Gale Vinson for representing the Murray Woman’s Club at the Conference. Gale announced the web site for KFWC ( and that individuals or clubs may come to the state convention and sell crafts. She also thanked the Music Department Chorus for singing at the meeting.

First District Governor Martha Crafton said that the 2007 Fall Conference shall be held on October 17 at the MWC Club House.

Judy Kelso thanked everyone for helping with the food.

Tracey discussed the Heritage Ball, stating the ticket sales are slow. Department chairs need to send their ticket stubs to Sue White by November 10 so that the committee can have an accurate count. Also, she emphasized that members are needed to help as hostesses.
2 The president asked Martha Joiner to send a thank-you note to Printing Services for donating posters advertising the Heritage Ball.

Other items discussed included the following:
1. KFWC cookbooks are available at a cost of $12.72 (members), $15 (nonmembers).
2. Reporting forms for departments should be completed and brought to the next board meeting. The end-of-the-year reports are needed.
3. New members must be reported to KFWC by December 1.
4. All dues must be paid by November 15.
5. Veterans Hospital Project. Bring books, puzzles, sox, etc. to the Club House by December 4.
6. Safe Halloween . Cathy Pigg reported a good turnout. Wal-Mart donated candies. (The corresponding secretary was asked to send a thank-you note to Wal-Mart.)
7. Proposal for dinner meeting for the December meeting. MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC have a dinner and have it catered. The motion was seconded and carried. Note: The December meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Bring a wrapped gift for a child (designate girl or boy) up to 12 years of age.
8. Awards. Departments should plan to bring their nominees for Newcomer of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and Outstanding Club Woman to the December meeting.
9. Gale Vinson,first vice-president, announced that the Christmas Open House will be Sunday, December 3. Kappas will decorate the front door and upstairs,and Alphas will be decorate downstairs. Zetas will be in charge of hostesses.
10. Jackie Helm, second vice-president, said that preparation for the Short Story/Poetry Contests was going well. The schools have been invited to have their students participate and have also been told of the deadline.
11. Arts & Crafts contest winners names were printed in an article in the Murray Ledger Times.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer informed the board that the state has given approval for a sales tax exemption for MWC. She emphasized that the exemption must not be misused. Only items that are for use by club should be tax-exempt. Questions should be referred to her. She also brought letters to be used as receipts for a donation to the Club, ex. Heritage Ball.

Cathy reported that the Beginning Cash Balance for October 1 was $---. Receipts were $--- and Disbursements were $--- for a Balance on Hand October 31 of $---. The Savings Account balance is $---.


Alpha: Seven members are working on the Heritage Ball Committees.
Creative: Arts Their Bazaar made over $1500.
Garden: Floral saddles are still available.
Home: On November 17 at 11 a.m., the department will have an Open Meeting with lunch and an auction.
Kappa: The Tour of Homes will be held on December 10. Tickets will be $7. Transportation will be provided from Westside Baptist Church for $1.00 per person.
Music: The Music Department was awarded the Bronze Category Award for raising over $--- for Relay for Life. Four members were in the Heart Walk.
Sigma: Breakfast with Santa will be held at the Club House on Saturday, December 9, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Tickets are $5 children and $3 adults.
Theta: The department wishes to thank club members for saving Box tops for Education. Also, the department gave $--- in supplies to Merryman House.
Zeta: The members have sold 12 tickets for the Heritage Ball.

Advisory: Pat Harrington reported some problems created by club house renters which required service calls: chocolate in dishwasher, improper items in garbage disposal, floors messed up.
Legislative: Cynthia Barnes stated that the Forum went well. She added that 124 bags were prepared for the poll workers at 28 precincts.
Membership: Sandra Whittenberg distributed invitations for the New Year: New You membership drive, asking that current club members send them to prospective members. There will be a planning meeting of the Membership Committee on Thursday, November 9.

Community Improvement: Martha Crafton and other club members and planted pansies at the Triangle on 641 South and Sycamore Street.
New Opportunity School: Belinda Wallis asked that clothing be brought to the Club House by November 16.
Civic/Recycling: Lois Pharris presented the Recycling Report for November 4: 230 eyeglasses; 165 gals. oil; 100 ink jets; 200 lbs. clothing; 28 tons paper; 110 lbs. aluminum cans; 51 cell phones.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph

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