Thursday, April 19, 2007

March 5, 2007 Executive Board Minutes

Executive Board Meeting
March 5, 2007

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on March 5, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.

The president opened the meeting with a request for the Recording Secretary to call the roll. Eighteen board members were present with all departments represented.

First vice-president Gale Vinson stated that the minutes from the February Board meeting were approved without additions or corrections. The minutes were then filed for record.

Corresponding Secretary Martha Joiner said that cards had been sent to Patsy Suiter and to Oeida Boyd.


Tracey Wortham, president, announced the date for the KFWC convention has been changed to April 19-April 21.Other items of business discussed briefly were the following:
1. Centennial Celebration. The committee would like to encourage members to dress in the period costumes which represent the year in which their department was started or perhaps the year in which they joined MWC. Also, each department will be asked to furnish one gallon of punch which is to be prepared by an assigned recipe.
2. Fifty-Year Members.Department chairs are asked to notify Tracey about any woman in their department who has been who has been a member for 50 years.
3. International Project. Two proposals have been received for a project to replace CHILD REACH. Board members have received information about both projects and will need to review the information in order to make a decision when the committee chairwoman has been appointed.
4. WKMS Phonathon. Getting volunteers was a struggle this year. The president thanked those members who served. The club will review this project before accepting the task next year.
5. Delta Memorial Plaque. The Deltas would like to place the plaque honoring Mary E.M. Hall, who engraved the mantel, in a more prominent place. The Board stated that the Deltas would need to present the matter to the Advisory Committee.
6. KET support.
MOTION: Pat Harrington moved that we call Sally DuFord, who is working on the telephone committee for KET tonight, and pledge $50 from the Murray Woman’s Club. The motion was seconded and carried.
7. Family Literacy Dinner: The Executive Board is responsible for providing food for Thursday, April 5. Gale Vinson will coordinate the project and will notify members what to bring.
8. Nominating Committee. The report from the Nominating Committee will be delayed.
Gale Vinson, first vice-president, announced that the next General meeting will be on Thursday, March 29, at 6:00 p.m. PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE TIME. The Garden and Zeta departments will serve as hostesses for the Awards meeting. Creative Arts has added an award for a youth art contest. Jackie Helm, second vice-president, stated that she has sent letters to those people who will be honored on the awards night. Club members who won awards are expected to attend this ceremony.
Cathy Pigg, treasurer, reported that the Beginning Cash Balance for March 1, 2007, was $---. Total Receipts for February were $---, and Total Disbursements were $---. The Ending Cash Balance was $---.

Cathy distributed a memo dealt with the Annual Form 990 which tax-exempt organizations must file with the IRS. She also handed out copies of the tax form which she has completed for this year and discussed the importance of being aware of and complying with governmental regulations.

After a brief discussion of the First District contests and the shared responsibilities of the Murray Woman’s Club and the Hazel Woman’s Club, the following motion was proposed:
MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that the Hazel Woman’s Club Board be invited to attend the next MWC General Meeting on March 29, which will be the contest awards’ night. The motion was seconded and carried.


Garden: The department is continuing the sale of the floral saddles.
Kappa: The department’s Evening with Chocolate will be April 26 from 5:30- 7:30 p.m. Tickets will be $8. Also, the Kappa members worked on the WKMS phonathon. Recently, the department created a memorial near the MWC Club House by planting a dogwood tree and installing a wrought-iron bench in honor of past member Margaret Yuill.
Music: The department will again sponsor a team for the Relay for Life. The annual Relay bake sale fundraiser will be held on Saturday, April 7, from 8 a.m. to noon. in front of Kroger. The team is also selling purple ribbons for $10 each.
Sigma: The department is helping with the Hospice Luncheon. They also took food for the Family Literacy Project.
Theta: The department recently toured the local Merryman House office. The members participated in the WKMS phonathon. The group is still collecting Educational Boxtops and Campbell soup wrappers.
Zeta: The members worked in the WKMS phonathon and raised over $2000.


Martha Crafton, First District governor, invited the MWC board members to come to the Open Suite at KFWC on the Thursday night of the conference.


Advisory: Pat Harrington repeated her request that any reservation to use the Club House by a department-- except for the regular meetings-- must be made with her. She added that the calendar in the main floor kitchen does not indicate all dates that have been reserved.
Education: Pat McMullin expressed thanks to the volunteers who helped babysit for parents who were in counseling services. She stated that Judge Mattingly wants volunteers to keep the children while their parents are in the courtroom. He is planning to convert one of the offices in his building into a place for keeping the children. Volunteers will be needed each Thursday. See Pat to volunteer.

First drafts of a resolution from MWC to support Angels Attic/Angels Clinic were distributed and read.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that Cynthia Barnes and Virginia Randolph combine the two drafts of the resolution and e-mail that final copy to the Executive Committee for approval. The motion was seconded and approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

REMEMBER: GENERAL MEETING March 29 at 6:00 p.m.
Board Meeting April 2 at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph
Recording Secretary

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