Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Murray Woman’s Club
Executive Board Meeting – March 25,

The March General Meeting of the Murray Woman’s Club was held on March 25, 2010 and was the meeting at which state contest prizes were awarded First vice-president Kathy Jo Stubblefield. Special awards were presented to the following MWC Club members: Lisa Kim (Newcomer of the Year, Pat McMullen (Volunteer of the Year), and Rebecca Rutledge (Club Woman of the Year). The complete list of those who were winners in both the Arts & Crafts Contest and the Short Story/Poetry Contest is attached to the filed Club minutes.

The regular business meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President

Cynthia Barnes. At this time the minutes of the September General Meeting were approved and filed for record.

Departments represented were Alpha (3), Creative Arts (5), Delta (3), Garden

(2), Kappa (1), Music (12), Sigma (1), Theta (4), Zeta(1).

The president dealt with the following issues:

1. Accessing the Club’s Google Account and the MWC website

2. Opportunity to attend the KFWC meeting in April

3. Nominating Committee Report:

President: Bobbie Weatherly

First vice-president: Linda Cherry

Second vice-president: Kathy Jo Stubblefield

Secretary: Virginia Randolph

Treasurer: Cathy Pigg

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that the announced slate be accepted by acclamation.

The motion was seconded and passed.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, reported that the Beginning Cash Balance on February l, 2010, was $_____. Receipts were $_________ and Disbursements were $____.The Ending Cash Balance on February 28, was $_____.

NOTE: This information was also presented at the March 1 Executive Board Meeting.


ALPHA The department will hold a Spelling Contest at Curris Center.Admission is $_.

MUSIC The department has Relay for Life purple ribbons for sale. Also they will have their fundraiser Bake Sale at Noon on April 3 in front of the Kroger store. Their Music Scholarship Fundraiser will be held on May 18 at 6:30 p.m. with dinner and musical entertainment. Minimum suggested donation:$__.

DELTA The department is selling tickets to the Hospice luncheon and fashion show on April 20 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tickets are $__.

SIGMA Members are meeting with the Murray Parks Department concerning adding a fence around the new play equipment.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

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