Thursday, August 26, 2010

Murray Woman's Club Executive Meeting Minutes May 2010


Executive Committee Minutes

May 3, 2010

The Executive Committee of the Murray Woman’s Club met at the Club House on May 3, 2010. President Cynthia Barnes provided a special dinner for Board members preceding the meeting. She called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Twenty Board members were present with all departments represented.

Approval of the minutes of the April 2010 meeting were postponed until the June 2010 meeting.


Cynthia Barnes, president, dealt with the following items of business:

1. She asked the Corresponding Secretary to send a note to McDonald’s thanking them for furnishing ice for the Legislative fundraiser.

2. She reported on the recent KFWC convention. Four members attended. Martha Crafton was elected KFWC state treasurer.

3. The president thanked Sue White for her work on the Legislative Forum. A large number of people attended. The barbecue fundraiser netted about $___. Actual figures are not yet available.

4. Snack Bags for Poll Workers. The bags were packed before the meeting began. Members volunteered to deliver them. Alpha Department donated the bottles of water.

5. Calloway County High School Fundraiser. The president announced that the request for the use of the Club House without charge for the school’s fundraiser had been approved by the Executive Committee.

6. MWC Yard Sale. Jo Crass, Jo Farley, and Cynthia Barnes will serve as the planning committee for the May 22 fundraiser. Workers will be needed to take money and to bag the items. Sign-up sheets will be emailed. Items should be delivered (priced) to the Club House on May 21 from Noon until 6 p.m. The sale will be held from 8 a.m. until Noon on May 22. Cathy Pigg, treasurer, will deliver the money for change.

7. Yearbook. Department chairwomen need to get the information about programs, committees, as well as corrected member listings to Sondra Rice by June 15. Update your information in May.

8. Monthly Reports. These reports should be turned in at each Board meeting.

The president thanked all the Board for their help during her term of office.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president, reminded Board members that the special Memorial Service for members who have died during the past year will be held on May 27. Seven women will be remembered:Clover Cothan, Lula Bell Hodges, Opal Howard, Pauline McCoy, Martha Sue Ryan,Jan Weaver,Ruth Wilson.

Hostesses for the Salad Supper will be the Music Department. Providing the beverage and the bread will also be their responsibility. The Theta Department will decorate downstairs, and the Alpha Department will decorate upstairs. Bobbie also reported that the formation of a Juniorette MWC was making progress. The organization of the group will take place during this summer. The club will start in the fall. Gay Evans will be working with her.

Kathy Jo Stubblefield, second vice-president, reported on the student contest winners at the KFWC convention. There were 3 first place, 3 second place, and 1 third place.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer,stated that last month MWC has borrowed $____ on the bank loan. There were more rentals last month, and that helped financially. Three departments contributed money toward the payment on the roof: Garden, ___; Home $___; Alpha $__. Four of the ten departments have contributed their $__ toward the fundraiser expenses. The Beginning Cash Balance on April 1, 2010 was $___. Receipts were $___, and Disbursements were $____. The Ending Cash Balance on April 30, 2010 was $_____.


Alpha The department donated money to BBBS, and also donated $___ to CASA.

Creative Arts The department awarded two scholarships of $___ each.They also awarded more than $___ to art contest winners at the local schools.

Delta The department plans a tea party for their next meeting.

Garden The department held a Silent Auction at their last meeting.

Home The department is planning a tea party and fashion show for their next meeting.

Kappa The department donated $___ to CASA and $___ to Kids Against Hunger.

Sigma The department is working with the city parks administration to have a fence erected around the new playground equipment.

Music The department plans a scholarship fundraiser for May 18 “It’s Showtime.” There will be dinner and entertainment. Minimum of $__ donation. Call Kay Ray for table reservations/

Theta Pete Lancaster was on the program for their meeting.

Zeta The department baked two cakes for Hospice, donated $___ for the Forum fundraiser, $___ to Relay for Life, $___ to CASA, and $___ for the MWC Club House roof.


Civic and Recycling The next “Make a Difference Day” will be May 15. Items accepted will be new & used books,eye glasses, ink cartridges, and batteries in addition to the regular items.

New Opportunity School Lillian Robertson reported that clothing for the school will be collected through May. She said another clothing drive will be held in September.

MOTION Martha Crafton moved that the clothing available be divided and sent to the appropriate place, either Berea or the Merryman House.Motion was seconded and passed. Members of the Home Department will help with sorting the clothing.


Effie Kemp asked for washable cotton fabric which she can use for the Mission work. Fabric should be marked “For Effie” and taken to the First Methodist Church building.

The Silver Jewelry Sale will be held on Saturday May 8 at the Club House.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

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