Monday, August 30, 2010

Executive Board Minutes August 2010

Executive Board Minutes
August 2, 2010

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday evening, August 2, 2010 Linda Cherry, first vice-president, presided and called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.

Brief announcements regarding the visit of representatives from the Magdalene Community in Nashville to a local church and the “Showcase MWC” were made.


Linda Cherry, first vice-president, discussed preparations for the “Showcase.” Each department is to furnish 1/2 gal. lemonade and 1 doz. cookies. Gale Vinson will arrange for music. Each department will have an information table and should provide a representative to be present. Members were encouraged to send personal invitations to those women who might be interested in the Club.

She also dealt with the following items of business:

1. Correspondence from KFWC inviting women to come to Frankfort to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the women’s voting rights amendment.

2. Yearbook Linda Scott is proofreading the pages. She is also negotiating to get the best price for printing the book.

3. Filing for Nonprofit status. She asked Virginia Randolph to check with Cathy Pigg to make sure our forms have been filed.

4. Resignation of First District Governor. She reported that the current governor has resigned and that representatives from our Club are attending a called meeting to elect a new governor.
5. Cookbooks. Martha Crafton has separated the remaining cookbooks into 10 groups (5 for each department) to sell.

6. Reports. The president needs to have all departmental reports as soon as possible.

7. Minutes for July. The review committee was not prepared to report. The report will be given at the August 30 Board meeting.

Kathy Jo Stubblefield, second vice-president, stated that the GFWC contest rules may be the same as last year. She has not received that information yet. She said that she will distribute the information to departmental chairs as soon as she receives it

She made the following report on the Legislative Forum meal:

1. Meal will be a fundraiser.
2. Meal will consist of barbecue sandwiches, beans, slaw, potato chips,
and bar cookies.
3. One person from each department needed to help with meal.
4. Sign-up sheet will be available next meeting.

MOTION: Evelyn Wallis moved that each department contribute $__ to purchase
supplies for the meal. The motion was seconded and passed.

5. Ask the MWC publicity chairwoman to plan publicity for the event.

Treasurer In the absence of the treasurer, no report was available.

Linda Scott discussed costs for printing current yearbooks and suggested that the Board consider a new format for next year’s publication.


Sigma Department has 3 new members and 1 former member is returning.


Linda Cherry announced that the first General Meeting will be September 23. The speaker will be Jennifer Wilson. This meeting will be a Salad Supper.

Virginia Randolph reported that Cynthia Barnes needs to have a debit card available for purchasing supplies for the Club House.

MOTION: Virginia Randolph moved that the Board authorize BB&T bank to issue Cynthia Barnes a debit card not to exceed $__ on the Club’s account.

Motion was seconded and passed.


Make a Difference Day, Saturday, August 7.
MWC Showcase, August 15
Clubhouse cleaning, August 21
General Meeting, September 23 at 6 P.M. Salad Supper


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Executive Committee Meeting July 2010


Executive Committee Meeting

July 5, 2010

The Executive Committee of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, July 5, 2010. President Bobbie Weatherly called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. and asked the recording secretary to call the roll. Fourteen Board members were present. Home and Sigma departments did not have representation.

The president asked the review committee for approval of the minutes of the June 2010 Board meeting. The minutes were approved and filed for record.


Bobbie Weatherly, president, reviewed the goals for the next two years, admonishing the departments to seek new members. She also dealt with the following items of business:

1. GFWC/KFWC Summer Expo. The dates are July 9-10. Six MWC members will attend. She asked that those planning to attend meet with her after the business meeting.

2. Yearbook. Linda Scott needs the information about departmental programs for the coming year, as well as any other changes which should be made in their member information as soon as possible.

3. The president announced the Standing Committee appointments and the special committee appoints for 2010.

Standing Committees:

Advisory: Cynthia Barnes

Auditing: Dorinda Craig

Civic/Recycl.: Lois Pharris

Computer Specialist: Tracey Wortham

Finance: Linda Stahl

Legislative: Kay Ray

Membership/Mentoring: Gay Evans

Press Book: Rene Brittain,Joetta Kelley

Publicity: Megan Haverstock

Yearbook: Linda Scott

Special Committees:

Commun.Improvement/Involve. Renee Howell, Cathy Mathis

Education : Wanda Johnson

Empowering Women :Marlene Beach

NO School: Lillian Robertson

Women & Children’s Health: Tory Daughrity

History: Lois Pharris, Neva Grey Albritten

Juniorettes: Gay Evans, Lisa Kim

4. Legislative Committee. Kay Ray, chairwoman of the committee fell and will have surgery on July 12. The president asked for volunteers to serve in planning food for the Forum. Those volunteering were Kathy Jo Stubblefield, Gale Vinson Martha Joiner, and Virginia Randolph.

5. State and County Annual Reports. Cathy Pigg has filed the required forms for the coming year and paid the fees.

Linda Cherry, first vice-president, announced that the date for the first General Meeting of MWC will be September 25. The speaker will be from Animal Rescue. This meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. and is a Salad Supper.

The treasurer’s report for June 2010 will be presented at the August Board meeting.

Kathy Jo Stublefield, second vice-president,said she will e-mail information about contest categories,requirements, department chairwomen as soon as she receives it. They will need to disseminate that information and the entry forms to their members.


Creative Arts Plans to meet Monday, August, at 9:30 a.m. to organize their fundraiser.

Delta Guest speaker for August meeting will be Jamie Smith who will discuss cervical and breast cancer.

Garden Met at MSU Arboretum with Dr. Pat Williams, director. First meeting of the new year will be in August.

Kappa Planning Tour of Homes

Music Made a $___ donation for Club House roof repairs and $___ to Relay for Life.

Sigma Department has 3 new members and one former member returning.

Zeta Department has 1 new member.



Cynthia Barnes reported 3 July rentals, 2 September rentals, and 1 October rental. She also reported the following repairs:

1. Downstairs storm door repaired.

2. Scheduled Club House workday for August 21 9-11 a.m. Send the president an e-mail if you plan to come . Bring your cleaning gloves and be dressed to work cleaning or painting inside the Club House.

3. Arranging for removal of tree from Club House yard. She indicated that David Proctor will only be cleaning the Club House floors now.


The president presented the report for this committee. A special Recruitment Day will be held on August 15 from 3-4:00 p.m. at the Club House. She reminded department chairwomen that this event is a special opportunity to introduce prospective members to the different departments. Each department should have a card table set up upstairs with information about special functions and programs in which that group of women participate during the year. At least one woman needs to be at that table during the Open House. She also encouraged Board members to consider sending written invitations to those whom they think are good prospects.



Bobbie Weatherly said that the first meeting was held and four girls attended. The decision was made to postpone other meetings until school starts. She said that interest remains high for this group.


Pat Harrington announced that the committee is reviewing the current By-Laws and will be ready to present their recommendations to the Board in September.


Martha Crafton reminded the Board members that cookbooks at still available.

The president asked the Board to note the upcoming events listed on the Agenda sheet, emphasizing Showcase MWC August 15 and the first General Meeting on September 23 at 6 p.m.

The next Board Meeting will be August 2. NOTE CHANGE OF DATE FOR SEPTEMBER MEETING. The scheduled September meeting will be held on August 30 because of Labor Day holidays.

Since there was no additional business, the president adjourned the meeting

at 7:20 p.m.